Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 451975935407816715
@Deleted User truth
this guy creeps me out.
lose what?
our virginity?
wth is 40s BC kids?
assassination of ulius caezar?
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
Mostly dank... Not so much a meme
Who’s the other neckbeard
The hipster Amish guy from MundaneMatts tweet.
Does anyone know if there's a longer version of this?
If only...
Teaser trailer/*disappointment* ?
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
fuck bobbyE that last one though XD
Does anyone have the UK-ball “when you turn into a police state but your police force is weak and pathetic” or whatever it is?
The immigrants are VERY committed to raising the birth rate by any means necessary
They’ll exponentially increase the half white birthrate
They aren't forming rape gangs, those are just "baby squads"