Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 422724271324921856

2018-03-10 21:06:28 UTC  

It makes sense from a realpolitik angle

2018-03-10 21:06:38 UTC  

If you play ball you get aid

but you have to grow

2018-03-12 03:01:11 UTC  

"socialism is on a spectrum"

2018-03-12 03:12:19 UTC  

SHould I know what the Slate Star Codex is?

2018-03-12 07:55:18 UTC  

@Legiondude should as in expected, no. should as in you would benefit, oh yes

2018-03-12 09:39:34 UTC  

National socialism is an ideological manifestation of the universal order that seeks to destroy international jewry, establish supremacy of the Aryan (not the ethnicity type, but the kampf-aryan), maintain a stable economic structure that benefits the volk as much as possible and overall create and maintain the organic state.

Capital does not create jobs, rather jobs create capital. Unemployment benefits burden the economy, but job creation stimulates the economy. Private industry collapses under the increased burdens. Small firms become bankrupt. Independent people are ruined. Big capitalist firms, trusts, etc., are rescued by the state, since their collapse would throw hundreds of thousands of people into poverty. Billions go for rescuing banks, hundreds of millions for supporting the big industrial and shipping concerns. All of these sacrifices are useless. Unemployment, poverty, and deficits have to get worse, the general situation ever more hopeless, as long as there is not a complete change. Only a systematic program of job creation can bring that change. Thats coming from a career contractor. However I would sacrifice any part of my economic doctrine if it meant the betterment of the volk.

The corruption of the spirit is not the same as a subsitution of spirit
Spirit cannot be subsituted
It just IS
And since the Aryan is inherently good, only the ill can come from a corruption or debasement of this racial spirit, but can never quite extinguish it.
Most degenerate whites are that way because of cultural pressure. They're not an origin point of the Rot, they are just affected by it. The Rot comes from Jews and Non Whites, because it is in their nature to degenerate or stagnate
Kampf-Aryan not racial Aryan btw

2018-03-12 09:39:54 UTC  

Painism is in support of a hierarchy that all members of society have equal opportunity to become a part of. The main point of Painism is a social system in which the interest of the collective is above all else. This can be done by having the interest of the collective and the interest of the individual in the same frame of mind. In other ideologies, the goal is achievable, but by having an abstract idea as our goal it is able to be guided ever closer to success, rather than simply having a natural stopping point. This way we recognise the fallibility of the world, and refuse to accept the fiction that it may become perfect. The purpose of Painism is the eternal progress toward reaching our abstract goal of complete power and knowledge, in order to achieve our collective irrational goals. This goal is the only way to objectively measure a human societies success, the success of the human species as a whole.

2018-03-12 09:41:04 UTC  

Early whites made empathy a selected trait that has obviously been a double edged sword for us.
For many people, race does matter, even if they don’t know it. They feel more empathy when they see white skin pierced than black. This is known as the racial empathy gap. To study it, researchers at the University of Milano-Bicocca showed participants (all of whom were white) video clips of a needle or an eraser touching someone’s skin. They measured participants’ reactions through skin conductance tests—basically whether their hands got sweaty—which reflect activity in the pain matrix of the brain. If we see someone in pain, it triggers the same network in our brains that’s activated when we are hurt. But people do not respond to the pain of others equally. In this experiment, when viewers saw white people receiving a painful stimulus, they responded more dramatically than they did for black people.

2018-03-12 09:41:09 UTC  

Enjoy while the mods sleep, faggot.

2018-03-12 09:42:10 UTC  

pretty sure i didnt violate any rules with that or anything ive posted so far

2018-03-12 09:42:46 UTC  

but youll prolly ban anyway for fear of having any true intellectual honesty

2018-03-12 09:43:11 UTC  

>LARPing as a nazi
>I didn't violate any rule

2018-03-12 09:45:06 UTC  


2018-03-12 09:45:18 UTC  

I do not larp

2018-03-12 09:45:49 UTC  

I liked the way James Mason said it, "profession revolutionist"

2018-03-12 09:47:34 UTC  

Follow on your hero's footsteps, put a bullet on your head once you realize you're a failure.

2018-03-12 11:55:23 UTC  


2018-03-12 12:53:27 UTC  

Strongside is quite right indeed

2018-03-12 12:54:38 UTC  

@DanielKO How's it feel being a blind moron?

2018-03-12 13:12:45 UTC  

How does it fell to worship a failed ideology that killed millions of whites?

2018-03-13 00:23:53 UTC  

Gee, I wonder why she lost?

2018-03-13 08:01:33 UTC  
2018-03-13 08:05:30 UTC  

Democrats rated Trump higher than Republicans rated Hillary.

2018-03-13 08:06:24 UTC  

"Nurses", why would you rate nurses?

2018-03-13 08:21:27 UTC  

idk lol

2018-03-13 08:21:51 UTC  

I find it interesting that, overall, humans get rated higher when broken down by gender than when broken down by race

2018-03-13 21:03:39 UTC  

orwell was so woke

2018-03-14 03:46:46 UTC  


2018-03-14 03:59:39 UTC  

Looking like the absentee voters pushed the Democrat candidate over the top in PA

2018-03-14 12:52:18 UTC  

dat motherfucker like nostradamus at this point

2018-03-14 12:52:28 UTC  
