Message from @Overcast

Discord ID: 433509069299646464

2018-04-10 15:48:33 UTC  

```Ironically, Trump could have avoided all of this by merely paying Daniels directly.```

2018-04-10 15:50:15 UTC  


2018-04-11 05:11:13 UTC  

can somebody who isn't the guardian or reddit explain to me the Trump-russia connection scandal investigation thing? Haven't heard anyone who doesn't have a leftist agenda talk about it. Whats going on? Has anything substantial been found?

2018-04-11 05:15:05 UTC  

It's bullshit

2018-04-11 05:15:07 UTC  

There you go

2018-04-11 05:21:49 UTC  

What the Ape said

2018-04-11 05:38:26 UTC  

Lol i just don't get this whole paranoia over russian bots

2018-04-11 05:39:07 UTC  

Like, even if they are spouting propagandistic half-truths and russian talking points, it doesn't justify banning them outright

2018-04-11 05:39:21 UTC  

on principle

2018-04-11 06:01:58 UTC  

Scape goats

2018-04-11 06:02:35 UTC  

They are trying to find a excuse for their mistakes and lack of competence

2018-04-11 06:03:30 UTC  


2018-04-11 06:03:35 UTC  


2018-04-11 06:03:41 UTC  

Russian press is a rogue player, both sides want them out of their sandbox.

2018-04-11 06:04:25 UTC  

but... but... RT is right wing propaganda... <:think_woke:378717098681171988>

2018-04-11 06:04:38 UTC  


2018-04-11 06:06:11 UTC  

makes you think

2018-04-11 06:08:10 UTC  

They might be shitting on the left now, but they have no loyalty. Can't have that in America.

2018-04-11 06:10:16 UTC  

dunno, whenever I've seen a political RT story, it looks like a headline the guardian would run

2018-04-11 06:10:43 UTC  

not that i've studied it real intensely or anything

2018-04-11 14:06:15 UTC
I will put this as bluntly as I know how: There is no way that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York would have sought or executed a search warrant against the president’s lawyer without overpowering evidence to support the action. The legal standard for such a search requires only probable cause that criminal activity is taking place. Under normal circumstances, which these are not, the prudential and policy factors counseling against such an action would be powerful.
For starters, the Justice Department is institutionally cautious about searches involving attorneys acting in their role as attorneys. As Paul Rosenzweig noted, “the U.S. Attorney’s Manual has an entire section that limits how and when the offices of an attorney may be searched. Realizing full well that such searches are in derogation of the value of the [attorney-client] privilege, the manual requires high-level approvals, the exhaustion of other investigative avenues, and specifies procedures that are to be followed to limit the intrusion on privileged documents.” Moreover, the Justice Department would have been additionally cautious about seeking any warrant against this particular lawyer—precisely because doing so makes clear that a ring is closing around the president. Going after a prominent person’s lawyer for matters related to his representation of the client is, after all, an aggressive act toward the client, not just toward the lawyer. And Trump is, as he puts it, a counterpuncher.

This is the kind of step that would predictably elicit a reaction. The Justice Department simply would not take such an action lightly or without evidence that emphatically supports it. Add these prudential, legal and policy factors together and they cumulatively suggest that the evidence supporting the warrant application likely exceeds—probably by far—what is legally required.

SO impeach Trump and let Pence fight the Syrian World War 3


Pence / Mattis 2018

2018-04-11 14:53:26 UTC  

Any good?

For PJW not my favourite

2018-04-11 14:59:42 UTC  

Then why did you link?

cus he made good points

2018-04-11 15:00:21 UTC  

Then gib summary

do I link every video he makes?

it's legit less than 5mins

2018-04-11 15:29:09 UTC  

can you explain it in 4?

If you pay me