Message from @khimære
Discord ID: 329751798678290433
Ergo, Semites did 9/11
Semites are garbage
9/11 was a Semitic conspiracy against whites
@Jimmy Marr link just goes to your twitter feed, not specific tweet but I get the idea. We will have enough guys to hold a banner. Maybe even bring the Wotan Mit Uns one in case we have enough to hold two. That would also be acceptable to normies and invoke the esoteric god-men within our DNA.
I'm still going w "Hey I don't like Jewish penis in my ass."
@Australopithecus Jordan Yeah, it's the banner on my Twitter homepage.
What about the holocaust museum?
@Jimmy Marr fucking based
Pics of shirts pls send to me via DM. Going to make adverts. Go fashy model and get some right wing pics and ill make some
do without the swastikas? nonsense!
That's what gets the point accross.
@khimære I can see you and I will get along well. We're taking back our symbols from these filthy hook nosed kikes.
Well and to be honest: you have to be uncompromising in your message.
That is how we have been successful.
For example: when we fliered on UW campus in Seattle. We were not the only ones to flier, but also Indentity Evropa and American Vanguard but it was only our stuff that got attention.
why? because the message of our propaganda is clear and uncompromising.
also, no matter what you say or how you conduct your group: they will always continue to call you a nazi.
whether you're an identitarian with a weak reactionary message such as "we have a right to exist" or something more blunt such as"GTKRWN!"
Exactly, embrace the NS imagery and msg full on. VA reeks of kosher conservatism and IE flyers look like museum ads with an abstract message
More realistically, they will call your employer or wife names and you will get pussy whipped and wage cucked.
Choose your poison, Bitches.
They will not dox you if you don't give them info.
A pussy can't even whip, where as a cock can be used as an actual whip. White Sharia says you must slap your woman if in the face with your dick at every opportunity and your employer too for that matter. Lol
Easy @Australopithecus Jordan some of our guys are very sensitive, if you know what I mean. We mustn't push them over any kind of edge or even a speed bump. Anything can set one off.
Ummm ehhe ehheehe, as a Hyde Wars vet I appreciated that mash up.
Should name the ops this month "dawnguard"
All leadibg up to the eclipse
Sonnenrad posters and imagery all over
<@&304026039766482955> join me goyim in spreading the message
1. RCC
2. Public Library
3. Jackson CO democrats
4 & 5 downtown Medford
Next posters will target Israel. Then more complex imagery.
Dawnguard... you an elder scrolls player, or am I a nerd mistakenly finding references in things?
I never considered the reference but I loved that game
I figured we are the guardians of this new dawn. But I like the reverence to purging the impure
Operation Independence: 4th of July postering so that everyone attending parades and events are more likely to come into contact with propaganda