Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 636796285885612052
@esotericpazuzuism the glove stands for what exactly?
@Tepes they have hand problem because of typing at work
fat women with carpal tunnel syndrome
the news you really need
when you need it!
totally pointless to compare such a freakish bodytype's performance at this physical task to a normal person's performance
Nah, all bodies have variation. We want to know who is best at lifting the thing, no matter their shape. @Deleted User
but you're not finding out who is best at lifting the thing to a set height, in that competition you're testing people if they can lift the thing a totally variable subjective height, relative to their body shape
but what they're doing is totally pointless
Is that real?
"Don't be such a racist incel. The ad is CLEARLY and ONLY referencing the extinction of dinosaurs! Why do incels see race in everything smh"
@Alien Strasserist mocking whites is free advertising because we share it.
I already ordered five pairs
@Alien Strasserist we're not buying, just transmitting. The lefties in here will see it and buy it.
@DeletedUser the dates don't make sense
@DeletedUser Have you seen that gag clip of Salads pissing in that YouTube creator conference urinal?
He's like a fucking horse.
His penile musculature must be exquisite.