Message from @Vexium
Discord ID: 636795910612844554
Keyword: stinky, poop, uhoh
A work by William Shakespeare.
ACT I. Scene I.
The zoo. An orangutan enclosure.
Enter LE MONKE, a corpulent ape.
Oh bother, a foul smell!
Fecal matter!
Ha-ha-ha, hilarious, defecate material.
The ape laughs continuously. It screeches vociferously.
Hooray for excrement! Congenial fecal matter! Defecation is jocular, ha-ha!
Fecal matter pertains to my satisfaction, ho-ho.
The maniacal creature continues to shriek vehemently in a nonsensical fashion.
Oh bother-- I believe, perchance, I may have created indurated excrement originating from my posterior.
The wretched creation begins to chortle ominously.
Fecal matter in my trousers... without undergarments! This is exhilarating.
By the nine divines, my undergarments are stained with excrement. Ho-ho-ho.
We yearn for fecal matter! We yearn for fecal matter!
Fecal matter.
Exeunt omnes.
@esotericpazuzuism the glove stands for what exactly?
@Tepes they have hand problem because of typing at work
fat women with carpal tunnel syndrome
the news you really need
when you need it!
totally pointless to compare such a freakish bodytype's performance at this physical task to a normal person's performance
Nah, all bodies have variation. We want to know who is best at lifting the thing, no matter their shape. @Deleted User
but you're not finding out who is best at lifting the thing to a set height, in that competition you're testing people if they can lift the thing a totally variable subjective height, relative to their body shape
if it were an objective height they lift it, sure
but what they're doing is totally pointless
Is that real?
"Don't be such a racist incel. The ad is CLEARLY and ONLY referencing the extinction of dinosaurs! Why do incels see race in everything smh"
@Alien Strasserist mocking whites is free advertising because we share it.
I already ordered five pairs
@Alien Strasserist we're not buying, just transmitting. The lefties in here will see it and buy it.
@DeletedUser the dates don't make sense