Message from @K Martin
Discord ID: 390357820941402114
Oh and happy Hanukkah goyim
Its like your literally commiting a Satanic human sacrifice that the Bible explicitly says dont do that
Literally this
Exactly it’s more than just the dead babies, it’s the satanic nature behind it
And then the jews literally sell the bodies of our children
and make more profits
Throwing your children into the fires of Baal Molech
These kikes are all pedophiles and baby killers because of the satanic influence
Abortion is jewish, end of story. This is why Christians were banned from going to Jewish doctors, even in the middle ages they did abortion and human sacrifice
It’s beyond just disgusting and immoral
A friend showed me today that Pornhub decorated their site for Hanukah
*Not surprised*
It is a Jewish website after all
" belly of the beast " its funny noone stops to think where that phrase came from
"a friend" 😉
Abortion is not the answer or even the bandaid to the nigger problem...
it actually was a friend
I believe ya just messin m8
Muh Pornhub , CF - never get inbetween a Saxon and his cummies
" Wholesome christian marriage sex " just lmao
Thats pretty brazen... i dont buy it 100% but dont need that shit in my browser history enough to check it out for myself
just looked it up for myself, its true and heterosexual
Direct link to the CDN
I also checked and it’s real
image is real indeed
I suppose PH caught onto the hot new trend of yentas
Sigh..................................... jews
khazar milkers have always appealed to the goyim
Shakin muh head
this is just fully automated luxury space khazar milkers
Always had a nigger brain myself personally dem hips tho
Must be the Potatoe blood
Oy vey
First day of hanukkah celibate by burning the torah