Discord ID: 354728931750051860
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Good evening fellow goys vanguard member reporting in from the midwest
White sharia when
Proud bois meme?
had extra time and nothing to do so made this
Have not had a chance to see it yet cancled my net flix a while back when I gost tired of kike-o-vision
was he not italian in the comics i thought its been along time since ive enjoyed cape crap
Francis Castiglione was a mentioned name think thats where I thought italian
marvel hollywood is pure cancer and most of it now could barely stand sitting through spider man home cucking with some normies I know
even net flix has me pissed now
on the plus with netflix every pice of kikery they add they seem to counter add something
I was in a pagan group chat at one time we were talking about how marvel has taken parts of our lore and myth and most were not happy
old libritarian me liked that lmao though I was not aware of (((them))) at the time
I feel im going more right by the day
this is true I guess right in our sense lol
yeah nat soc is more center athoritarian I think if it had to be put on something
@AltCelt(IL) who is hosting that new years
@AltCelt(IL) hope thats not to far away as im broke as all hell right now
south dakota
if its more northern IL Ill think about trying to join and car pooling up with a friend possibly
I heard this on national new on the radio as I was heading to the store.
I do
Trust fund commies, off our streets!!!!
good job guys looked good out there
@everyone any one want to work this to our advantage or support locals
I hope there is full on war in isreal
Ill suport Iran in this lmao
If shit skins take israel take over are they then our new greatest allie
hail victory brother
Name a more iconic duo I'll wait
Lmao better use them jerk off machines we used at them camps
((( @ everyone )))
All heimbach wanted to ever do was finish his beer instead he becameith the nibba wisperer
@VasilistheGreek nazbol gang we dem boiz
Pit bull to bad the nibbers steal them
I'm listening to siege at work lol
I'll try to find the link it was torrent share If that's ok
I have 10 hours of welding between sci-fi fash books and trs I occupy my mind
BTW never trust the mail man lol
Lol I see where they get it from siege
I'll have to see who read my copy it's not to bad
Jews and showers
Japs and anime
Potatoes and the Irish
Communism and hunger
Sure be a shame if someone used the kind hearted feminista wrong pronoun
Kim a good Boi he din du nuffin
@fassel just be like a bulldog let your additud scare them plus with soy Boi epidemic don't take much to intimidate most
@fassel if not a bull dog then a doberman lol
@MatthewHeimbach I'm in vanguard but like to support events with twp would you like us to dress to code attending events
Sounds good
I just like to see unison among our brothers we have many fractions as is I'm no opticuck but unison has an appeal to it the system fears
Lol its all good
First day of hanukkah celibate by burning the torah based ice cream
So in the new ethnostate will workers unions be a thing of the past?
I see I was awarded with the shop steward position at work and it got me thinking with the proper system in place unions may be a thing of the past
I know Hitler worked within them in his book
Oh I know that that's why I'm very pro union right now though I was called Nazbol for it
Checks and balences are good I think Hitler has his issue with unions when a strike at munitions plants killed moral and progress in ww1
True war is a situation where many sacrifice must be made and I know unions can get in the way of efficiency which is needed in war
Ya I love Hitler but he is a product of his times and nation we have our own unique struggle here
I'm wondering if I fall In the strasserism area myself
Did we just become nazbol gang lol
Agreed we will work out what's best for our people but in a system so full of greed and contempt I think marker control will be needed for a short time
Equalization will need to occur a happy medium between workers interest and that of the nation
I guess this is why many consider us a center type view I see my fellow workers betrayed by the system suffering despite being hard working whites and are told by boomers to pull themselves up by the boot straps we are hallow husk wage slaves and they don't get it we give 110 every day just to make pennies
So true a nation is a living being if a person's liver is dieing it will eventually kill the whole
Only thing that I hate as shop steward is I will potentially have to protect Mexicans which sucks but I feel is not important right now as I have opportunities to help white brothers
Not a bad idea
Why do we not have the heimbach walking reaction yet lol
Oh I found it lol derp
Ah lol
Can't say I know I'm A /pol/ sperg don't go to reddit much
At this point hard to say it's been pretty quiet I'm coming here more since the vanguard server is pretty dead antifa is oddly quiet but I assume cold weather is oppression
I have a few shadow lurkers I get antifa dogs sharing my normi memes on Facebook of my wall and it's the only reason I know they are there
I was outed holding a banner and optic cucking
I hope soon
Congratulations I would love to get back in touch with my mother but she kinda fried her brain :/
That's good I think with all the stuff going on people are starting to wake a bit I just had a friend who was pretty liberal talk to me again
@BasedWhiteGoy no IE <:IE:390573776166846466> <:totenthink:390928462459699201>
@Haupstรผrmfuhrer Pepe I Know lol being sarcastic I'm not fond of them to be honest
Dicky Spencer the opticuck jew
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