Message from @JoeyJoestar1337
Discord ID: 573276291005022211
Best part was I was only about 112 pounds at the time, I had to get a doctor's note to make sure I wasn't going to die
Was weight training back in early high school when I wrestled
Damn daniil 😂👌
I see 2 negroes in my gym
Day instantly ruined
>running from niggers
Whitey has more muscle mass, stand and fight
But bruh black peepo r more athletic doe
They're good at running
Generations and generations of fleeing from wildlife and tanks
How many of them do you see in strongman competitions?
Or on the Olympic lifting podium
Generations of running from police
I watched this guy run 30min and now hes struggling with benching 30kg
Tiny arms lel
Niggers only get swole when they take roids.
Gotta pump up on that nigga juice
Drink a lot of water. Sometimes your body confuses thirst with hunger
Drink black tea.
@JoeyJoestar1337 coffee or fiber
Ooooh I'd rather drink apple cider
apple cider tastes nice but water defo helps
water with ice
is nice
Apple cider is kinda like green tea tho no?
Not taste but effects
Apple Cider is high in calories. Tea isn't
Just drink coffee
I can't drink coffee after reading that greentext story
Apple cider is fattening.
Lots of added sugar and artificial sweeteners.
just drink water
>Not drinking milk to flex on non-whites. <:ohyou2:569616856105877505>