Message from @Petranadon

Discord ID: 579297522334302208

2019-05-18 12:00:10 UTC  

And I have the feeling some people will spend a time in the filthpit

2019-05-18 12:00:29 UTC  

@Deleted User I apologize.

2019-05-18 12:00:44 UTC  

Some of you bugger off to <#555833761262993443>, I want to talk about Requiems.

2019-05-18 12:00:47 UTC  

nigt everyone, pls no ban

2019-05-18 12:01:02 UTC  

@Deleted User just pray for me at the very least

2019-05-18 12:01:10 UTC  

I can do that

2019-05-18 12:01:21 UTC  

Because I struggle with it.

2019-05-18 12:02:16 UTC  

I understand

2019-05-18 12:34:18 UTC  

Am I still purple?

2019-05-18 12:34:24 UTC  


2019-05-18 12:44:35 UTC  

Is there a Christian prepper or Christian survivalist part of the board? Someplace we can exchange info?

2019-05-18 12:45:46 UTC  

Not particularly @888. Was there something about Apocalypse you wanted to talk about in particular? Or do you just want to get in contact with reliable folk?

2019-05-18 12:47:06 UTC  

@Deleted User No. I am a prepper/permaculturist and I want Christians (all flavors) to survive what is coming.

2019-05-18 12:48:21 UTC  

Do you have some kind of bunker, or mainly supplies and water cleaning tools?

2019-05-18 12:49:25 UTC  

Just curiosity, I don't have any of those things myself

2019-05-18 12:59:16 UTC

2019-05-18 13:03:11 UTC  

@888 knows what's up. All who love the Lord are called into the one true church.

2019-05-18 13:20:39 UTC  

Hey @Iakovos , have you picked up "The City of God against the City of the Pagans"?

2019-05-18 13:20:49 UTC  


2019-05-18 13:21:10 UTC  

City of God is breddy gud

2019-05-18 13:21:32 UTC  

Dense, but breddy gud

2019-05-18 13:22:39 UTC  

St. Augustine is regarded as the most important doctor of the Church. Some of his writings have influenced even prot thought

2019-05-18 13:23:42 UTC  

The Confessions of Augustine are widely regarded as the first Western style autobiography

2019-05-18 13:23:55 UTC  

@Mozalbete ⳩ Sorry still learning discord didn't realize you had asked a question, no bunker yet...I don't think it will help. But 'general' topics like wild plants what to grow, good resources and all that stuff. Just helping them to survive what is coming even if they are in a forced march or something...

2019-05-18 13:24:22 UTC  

Shame he bought into the original sin nonsense

2019-05-18 13:24:30 UTC  

Nice, it is always good to depend on as few people as possible

2019-05-18 13:25:12 UTC  

What do you mean @randomagglomerationofcryllicletters?

2019-05-18 13:25:40 UTC  

The concept of original sin is heresy

2019-05-18 13:25:44 UTC  

I will give you a fragment from the city of God you will probably like, since it seems he is describing the modern world

2019-05-18 13:25:56 UTC  

Lmaoing at people being flexed on by Augustinge

2019-05-18 13:25:59 UTC  

We're not guilty of the sin of Adam

2019-05-18 13:26:22 UTC  

"But the worshippers and admirers of these gods delight in imitating their scandalous iniquities, and are nowise concerned that the republic be less depraved and licentious. Only let it remain undefeated, they say, only let it flourish and abound in resources; let it be glorious by its victories, or still better, secure in peace; and what matters it to us? This is our concern, that every man be able to increase his wealth so as to supply his daily prodigalities, and so that the powerful may subject the weak for their own purposes. Let the poor court the rich for a living, and that under their protection they may enjoy a sluggish tranquillity; and let the rich abuse the poor as their dependants, to minister to their pride. Let the people applaud not those who protect their interests, but those who provide them with pleasure. Let no severe duty be commanded, no impurity forbidden. Let kings estimate their prosperity, not by the righteousness, but by the servility of their subjects. Let the provinces stand loyal to the kings, not as moral guides, but as lords of their possessions and purveyors of their pleasures; not with a hearty reverence, but a crooked and servile fear. Let the laws take cognizance rather of the injury done to another man's property, than of that done to one's own person.

2019-05-18 13:26:56 UTC  

If a man be a nuisance to his neighbor, or injure his property, family, or person, let him be actionable; but in his own affairs let everyone with impunity do what he will in company with his own family, and with those who willingly join him. Let there be a plentiful supply of public prostitutes for every one who wishes to use them, but specially for those who are too poor to keep one for their private use. Let there be erected houses of the largest and most ornate description: in these let there be provided the most sumptuous banquets, where every one who pleases may, by day or night, play, drink, vomit, dissipate. Let there be everywhere heard the rustling of dancers, the loud, immodest laughter of the theatre; let a succession of the most cruel and the most voluptuous pleasures maintain a perpetual excitement. If such happinessis distasteful to any, let him be branded as a public enemy; and if any attempt to modify or put an end to it let him be silenced, banished, put an end to. Let these be reckoned the true gods, who procure for the people this condition of things, and preserve it when once possessed. Let them be worshipped as they wish; let them demand whatever games they please, from or with their own worshippers; only let them secure that such felicity be not imperilled by foe, plague, or disaster of any kind.

2019-05-18 13:27:02 UTC  


2019-05-18 13:27:09 UTC  


2019-05-18 13:27:32 UTC  

>We're not guilty
Lmaoing at your understanding of original sin

2019-05-18 13:27:34 UTC

2019-05-18 13:28:13 UTC  


2019-05-18 13:29:13 UTC  

Cuz we're born into a world that is fallen and we're drawn to sin

2019-05-18 13:29:40 UTC  

lmao what do you think original sin is?

2019-05-18 13:29:45 UTC  

The whole point of life is to reject that sin and become like God