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2019-05-17 11:49:29 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #resources]  

I think the purpose was to uplift the mind. As long as proto humans thought in terms of statuary as 'god' they would not be able to think abstractly.

2019-05-17 11:51:50 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #resources]  

People still think that objects are god. The jews thing MonEy-e is a god. That is why they worship it rather than the True God. When you stop thinking of the material realm your mind can focus on other things.

2019-05-18 03:14:23 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #resources]  

Is islam considered to be part of Christianity now? Confused.

2019-05-18 04:16:31 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #resources]  

@SUPER MALE VITALITYโ„ข Oh, ok. I thought I was in the wrong place for a second. I probably just missed a prior conversation.

2019-05-18 12:04:51 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

You have to just do what you want Claire otherwise you are going to end up without children and too old to have them. Speaking from experience. My dad told me the same thing and I didn't believe him.

2019-05-18 12:07:36 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Don't ask, just do it. Men love their child when they see it.

2019-05-18 12:10:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yeah ChuckE9000 had a video on YT about that. I had never considered it but since our shit and piss is 'recycled' as drinking water it is causing a lot of problems for me too now.

2019-05-18 12:10:20 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

men not 'me'

2019-05-18 12:12:44 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

What? I don't remember that part of GoT

2019-05-18 12:15:53 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User I think this is a good suggestion, honestly.

2019-05-18 12:17:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yes, it is a good suggestion. I wanted 6 kids and my husband refused and I regret it every day that I didn't just do what I wanted

2019-05-18 12:17:37 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

OLD; my kids are grown

2019-05-18 12:18:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yes, I tried to but she doesn't want to listen to reason

2019-05-18 12:18:44 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Children matter, they are the most valuable thing a person can have

2019-05-18 12:20:59 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yes, but I protect her like she was the most important thing on the planet. Think killer tiger or something.

2019-05-18 12:21:44 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

I don't know this board well enough, sorry.

2019-05-18 12:42:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User It is inappropriate to defend your nation, goy.

2019-05-18 12:44:35 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Is there a Christian prepper or Christian survivalist part of the board? Someplace we can exchange info?

2019-05-18 12:45:37 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Not at all. I just don't know the board well. I probably won't last very long because I get banned pretty quickly from everywhere for giving my honest opinion about things.

2019-05-18 12:47:06 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Deleted User No. I am a prepper/permaculturist and I want Christians (all flavors) to survive what is coming.

2019-05-18 12:47:48 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

The thumb hates the index finger? Ok. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2019-05-18 12:49:45 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

The one single most important feature of all Christianity is that it is a personal religion between you and God...why would it matter?

2019-05-18 12:50:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Petranadon Not sure if you are being humorous.

2019-05-18 12:51:23 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Good because I laughed.

2019-05-18 12:51:39 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Even funnier

2019-05-18 12:54:40 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

This is not a debate that will be solved anytime soon. Your entire life is your prayer/relationship to God. This cannot be shared of expressed or even understood by another mortal. Only by God

2019-05-18 12:56:02 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ You think so? I just got permanently banned from 8chan/pol/ forever. Trust me, I get banned a lot.

2019-05-18 12:57:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

They are...just saying I got 'skills'; mad skills...LMAO

2019-05-18 12:58:42 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

There are only 800 common use words in the English language. You are bound to repeat some things. You two shouldn't make this an issues between you because it only has meaning to God

2019-05-18 13:00:22 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos I stopped going to church when the Pastor was sleeping with the people he was counseling and the youth pastor was caught sleeping with the youth. Was enough for me.

2019-05-18 13:02:35 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

I was talking with a high level satanist who said that most Churches are utterly infiltrated (I am sure he wasn't 'biased' or anything) but some of the things he said have stuck with me.

2019-05-18 13:03:38 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yeah I know...discouraging.

2019-05-18 13:04:14 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

I think this is our 'failure'.

2019-05-18 13:04:23 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Too weak, too much mercy.

2019-05-18 13:07:16 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos Will think about it. I am afraid I am more influenced by Luther's break from things that are defiled than I care to admit. Almost got thrown out of class last semester for arguing that to join any body or institution is to partake in all the good and evil that institution commits. That didn't go over so well...now I am uber cautious about everything.

2019-05-18 13:08:36 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User Ummm ?congratulations? Haha.

2019-05-18 13:09:05 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Her mans seed

2019-05-18 13:09:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

She is reduced to begging for what belongs to her

2019-05-18 13:09:32 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  


2019-05-18 13:11:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

What?! You haven't named 'it' yet? You should give 'it' a name, something virile and masculine

2019-05-18 13:12:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User Good choice for a second there I was worried that someone would suggest Vespasian or Remus

2019-05-18 13:12:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Yes dear

2019-05-18 13:13:10 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Oh snap lay it on us

2019-05-18 13:14:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Petranadon Will look into them. I am very fond of the Catholic people, love them dearly. They are really good people.

2019-05-18 13:16:22 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

You wouldn't think of the movie? @Deleted User

2019-05-18 13:17:16 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  


2019-05-18 13:17:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Petranadon ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2019-05-18 13:18:02 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User What is wrong with Eugene

2019-05-18 13:18:33 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Bruh is easy to spell at least.

2019-05-18 13:20:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Bix nood...muh skin

2019-05-18 13:23:55 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ Sorry still learning discord didn't realize you had asked a question, no bunker yet...I don't think it will help. But 'general' topics like wild plants what to grow, good resources and all that stuff. Just helping them to survive what is coming even if they are in a forced march or something...

2019-05-18 13:25:32 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

imagine islamic murders occupying your continent for 1,200 years, SHOWING you technology and still not understanding the wheel or what it is used for when the Boer showed up...this is not someone that I would consider 'my people'...ever.

2019-05-18 13:30:58 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Rejecting the SYNagogue of satan? Hmmm...well that is what God told Cain. If you can overcome the SIN/SYN (moon god) you will be restored

2019-05-18 13:31:33 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Genesis 4:6

2019-05-18 13:31:42 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Genesis 4:7

2019-05-18 13:34:05 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos He would laugh...he isn't a prude

2019-05-18 13:34:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Only real men cry tears out their penis

2019-05-18 13:36:36 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos Bit of viking blood isn't going to hurt you...

2019-05-18 13:38:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Deleted User What is wrong with good European blood?

2019-05-18 13:39:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos Nothing wrong with a little rewilding of European Blood. We won't get out of our predicament alive if we can't learn to conquer again.

2019-05-18 13:39:55 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Made the assumption you all were European (sorry)

2019-05-18 13:41:21 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Rape is a woman not being clever or running fast enough...it is dysgenic to women to keep them helpless and not physically fit

2019-05-18 13:42:00 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  


2019-05-18 13:42:17 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos I am both

2019-05-18 13:42:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos I was actually being serious about all that

2019-05-18 13:44:05 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

My daughter is combat trained.

2019-05-18 13:44:22 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Imagine having a daughter and not teaching her to prtect herself

2019-05-18 13:45:28 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

German and Spartan somewhat @Petranadon

2019-05-18 13:46:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

Actually Claire my daughter was attacked last year by a knife wielding faggot and she fought her way out of it

2019-05-18 13:47:49 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos It isn't everything, brains help a lot, but if you have ever looked at the picture of the Bolsheviks in Germany you would know that those women would have been better off with training

2019-05-18 13:49:11 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

@Iakovos They do...but men are not doing their job any longer so we do what we can and trust in God for the rest

2019-05-18 13:52:01 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #filthpit]  

I have decided to skip Hell, it is overrated

2019-05-18 13:58:39 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ "guilt of original sin" just curious, what do you class as the original sin? FYI in Babylonian literature and classically throughout the region and culture sin is always understood as the Moon god...Sin. Otherwise, how could Sin, crouch at the door/threshold.

2019-05-18 14:00:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Jay Dubya At least it doesn't have to travel far

2019-05-18 14:03:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Yes, research who Sin is and you will understand why it crouches at the door, preventing people from being born into Life

2019-05-18 14:06:00 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

? @Mozalbete โณฉ I forget that people don't understand that they are dead. Matthew 8:22

2019-05-18 14:06:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I forget that they don't understand that "In the day that Adam and Eve ate the Fruit THEY DIED." God is not a liar.

2019-05-18 14:07:59 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Exactly, we are all dead. We are all in Hell. Jesus came to Hell to redeem what he could and see that people were born into Life.

2019-05-18 14:10:26 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

๐Ÿ˜ƒ We are most definitely in Hell (you must live a very sheltered life). This is why The Son of God died and came here to redeem us...because he LOVED US.

2019-05-18 14:11:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Consider the difference between Heaven and this place. This is Hell

2019-05-18 14:11:51 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

There is redemption in Hell. God is Everything, Everywhere. We are sinner, fallen, dead in Hell and God wants us to be Born Again.

2019-05-18 14:12:17 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Yes...US IN HELL @Jay Dubya

2019-05-18 14:12:50 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

John 12:32

2019-05-18 14:13:46 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Lifted up, born again...from the dead

2019-05-18 14:14:10 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

You have to want to stay in Hell, I guess...if you are going to remain here

2019-05-18 14:14:33 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Yes, Sin guards the door, gate to Heaven.

2019-05-18 14:14:59 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

It is both.

2019-05-18 14:15:21 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

It is the 'serpent' who stood in the place of God

2019-05-18 14:16:24 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I will stop. It is not easy to comprehend. I understand

2019-05-18 14:16:51 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Deleted User Not a troll

2019-05-18 14:17:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Is not

2019-05-18 14:18:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Deleted User You need to do some research before you skoff

2019-05-18 14:19:36 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Everything is created by God

2019-05-18 14:19:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Even Hell

2019-05-18 14:25:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Islam is not a 'religion' it is a theocratic system of global governance. You can't be loyal to anything but 'the Islamic State' if you are muslim.

2019-05-18 14:26:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

I CHRISTIAN one...fine...the muslim one is horrific

2019-05-18 14:28:24 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

We do...based in jewish paganism (aka satanism)

2019-05-18 14:30:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ "I excommunicate you." "No, I excommunicate you , first." Lol

2019-05-18 14:31:01 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Iakovos God was never 'mad' at us...it was our decision to fall/eat the fruit/die

2019-05-18 14:32:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

Genesis 3:6

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