
Discord ID: 329437854969364480

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Facebook is a private company, they can do as they wish. Their "Terms of Service." is subjective anyway.

So they can censor political outlets and meme pages without legal action taken against them.

Don't call yourself alt-right, lol.

We're conservative.

Alt-Right makes you sound like incels.

Eh, I'm a nationalist. Not Neo-Conservative.

Big difference.

Does anyone here play Hearts of Iron 4?

Does anyone here play hearts of Iron 4?

So a friend and I are about to hop on.

I can invite you to my discord if you want @Mr Sump Pump

I don't like how Israel doesn't have a legitimate enemy. You guys should look up Israel's Sampson Option.

One of the main reason's I'm not a big fan of Israel.

(Oh my god, an anti-semetic.)

As with every discord, it turns into a gaming discord.

Blizzard is full of Right-Wingers.

Lol have the people I know on World of Warcraft are right-wingers, and hell, I play on Moon Guard! xD The most degenerate server on there.

However, you need to stay away from certain areas of the game as they attract a 'special' kind of degeneracy.

I was debating kids in Highschool a few years ago when Trump was going to get elected xD

I was just about the most hated kid in school, considering most of everyone was a mexican


"Build a wall."

Mexicans are Americans though. Just not United States Americans :P


They want to water down races and destroy national identity

Divide the people, and sieze power in the goverment.

That's why democrats support gun control.

And I hate how Trump sucks up to the fucking Jews

But that's my only complaint with him.

Like, you know Ben Shapiro would choose Israel over America any day.

I have a friend who has videos of Israelite soldiers firing sniper rifles at Palestenian civilians.

I need to talk to him and get the video

Ever heard of the Greater Israel conspiracy? That's why they're making all these settlements.

My take is that Israel is provoking Palestine, and Palestine is becoming terrorists to retaliate. Then the media makes Palestine look evil.

Just my take.

Both sides are fucked.

The last one is the best.

@everyone I want your opinion. I think that cheating during marriage should be a federal offense and should have a minimum sentence of one year in prison. This would shrink adultery rates and it would make people think twice about marrying somebody. In short, it could help people work through their problems instead of finding someone else.

What do you think?

Nicole Bilous I'm agnostic, with conservative values.

Bofa Sho, I want to get married one day and have kids

I can see that Goy of War.

Bofa Sho, during my relationships with my *fellow millenials* I've had a hard time with infedelity. It's like they don't know what they want.

I've never cheated myself, however.

I support some kind of federal punishment, or a severe way of deterring people from infedility.

*they should be stoned to death. The lord wills it.*

Regardless, it's something to think about.

I'm serious when it comes to marriage because I've had a lot of people shit on me. The last thing I want is the person I give my life to, to shit on me too.

Divorce me, cool. We weren't meant to be.

Cheat on me? You're a slut

That's goid

I already do that.

Wait... why is the KKK in the same sentence with mexicans?


He's talking as if the KKK are victims?

Somebody explain that to me. It boggles my mind...

Trump trashtalkes Mexicans. But what does the KKK have to do with anything?

Why would you not like someone for shittalking the KKK?

1: Fuck socialism.

2: Can't they do it another day


When you're retarded.


There is no going back after this one boys. They're legalizing kiddie porn. The god damn muslims have got a hold on the brits.

"Oi mate, you got yoir porn loiscense?"

ColumbineDK I am disgusted to say this.

But yeah, girls our age aren't the brightest.

Most women don't like politics.

Like, my female friends are usually in their thirties and they don't talk about politics.

Instead, we talk about computer games and World of Warcraft - roleplay and whatnot.

However any man I come across can engage in a discussion about politics.

BillClinton it's probably because you sound nuts.

Try to find common ground and interests.

A lot of women will talk to you if you make the effort to relate to them first.

Okay, most millenials below the age of 20 don't have it together.

Women do not mature faster than men, that is a myth.

It's simply that women are more emotionally inclineed. Once you understand that, and know how to work it, everything else is golden.

Some millennials are shit, but I suggest digging through the trash to find the golden egg.

I mean, even in the bible they had fucking thots.

Sodom, the city that starts with a G that I will not attempt to spell.

There were entire cities that were degenerate.

The ones worth marrying. But then you have rare men.

A lot of men are shit too.

There's a difference between being assertive and aggressive.

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