Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 612856640378634263

2019-08-19 03:10:01 UTC  


2019-08-19 03:10:06 UTC  

like my page pls

2019-08-19 03:10:39 UTC  

@Wrath okay but i need to go to bed, so ill have to read it in the morning

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ or maybe the ones He's chosen wouldn't be bad people by definition.

2019-08-19 03:11:27 UTC  

The Catholic view is 1st degree predestination

2019-08-19 03:11:36 UTC  

God knows everything that will happen

2019-08-19 03:11:48 UTC  

But he didn't choose it

2019-08-19 03:11:55 UTC  

Calvinism is second degree

2019-08-19 03:12:05 UTC  

Essentially, you were born to go to heaven

2019-08-19 03:12:29 UTC  

No matter how you go about things you will always return to God in the end as you are destined for it

2019-08-19 03:14:44 UTC  

Move chat to Filth pit

2019-08-19 03:14:53 UTC  

Yeah, essentially God set everything up exactly as it was meant to be, meaning they have the most literal interperetation of sola gratia. Those who leave the church were never part of the church, those who sincerely come to Christ at the last second do so just as they were meant to, by absolute grace. No part of it pretends to predict who is who, and who is predestined or not, only that in the end everything works out according to God's will, and we won't know what that looks like until it happens.

2019-08-19 03:16:17 UTC  

Calvinism is dumb

2019-08-19 03:16:24 UTC  

You have to accept God freely

2019-08-19 03:16:32 UTC  

No one is destined for heaven

2019-08-19 03:16:48 UTC  

You choose the path, God just already knows

2019-08-19 03:24:20 UTC  

That's the point though, you still do. Calvinism doesn't say you don't, only that you were going to.

2019-08-19 03:30:48 UTC  

Calvinism asserts that God chose you

2019-08-19 03:31:15 UTC  

Instead of you, of your own free will, coming to God

2019-08-19 03:44:25 UTC  

It's not perfect, but I never fault a system for trusting God more

2019-08-19 03:53:29 UTC  

Can anyone here tell me Nietzsche worldview is gay

2019-08-19 03:53:44 UTC  

I read Bronze Age mindset

2019-08-19 03:55:26 UTC  

It's gay

2019-08-19 03:55:33 UTC  

frick off

2019-08-19 03:56:26 UTC  

You asked if someone would tell you its gay

2019-08-19 03:56:51 UTC  

it's gay

2019-08-19 03:57:15 UTC  

Nietzsche got semen caught it his big walrus moustache like a homo

2019-08-19 03:57:26 UTC  


2019-08-19 03:57:32 UTC  

It's not as bad as atheists larp, but it's still retarded in that it's striving to create a system for living without service to God

2019-08-19 03:58:43 UTC  

I'd say Nietzsche's ubermensch theory or whatever is basically the philosophy of the devil unironically; abandon God, become the arbiter of your self

2019-08-19 03:58:55 UTC  

sounds chad

2019-08-19 03:58:59 UTC  

Like nikka the original sin was disobeying God

2019-08-19 03:59:27 UTC  

Sounds cringe virgin not Chad

2019-08-19 03:59:51 UTC  

If Nietzsche was alive today he'd wear a fedora

2019-08-19 04:00:14 UTC  

press x

2019-08-19 04:00:29 UTC  

he ranted against pleasure seeking faggots

2019-08-19 04:00:42 UTC  

who didn't maximize virtue

2019-08-19 04:02:01 UTC  

Disobeying god? Cringe!

2019-08-19 04:02:16 UTC  

maybe but what else to do

2019-08-19 04:02:31 UTC  

I did have a pretty crazy dream once

2019-08-19 04:02:45 UTC  

but that's the closest thing I've had to any revelation