Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 549401342947622922
just the vid
there was a pic?
my name booga buh
wow 15% CPU for SNES emulation this MSU1 shit must be hard
either that or the hq4x filter
since the Wii doesn't even flinch with the MSU1 turned on
booga buh
and the wii is no speed demon, it can barely N64
booga buh
in soviet russia, car drives you!
trying to figure out which PCM pack i like the best for DKC
this judgement guy did a nice job
excellent camouflage
That’s a nice dog. What breed?
real pupper hours
I miss having a dog
me too
getting one when i move because then i'll have some land
I’ve debated getting a cat recently. Never owned one or been a big fan of them, but a couple of my friends have them and I really liked them
Cats are good dogs are better
i've never had a cat i liked they were always assholes
but there are rare good ones
dog always beats a cat
Cats are only nice if you raise them from kittens or rescue them
Dogs will love you no matter what but the bond is stronger if you have them at a young age
I always view it as cool cat > dog > cat
sure dogs are more affectionate, but dogs require so much more time
I’ve got 4 barn cats and 3 of them adore me. The 1 Who doesn’t really care all that much I didn’t get as a kitten. If you’ve got the time and the lawn space definitely go dog
Or both
I dont live rural and the space I have would only facilitate a small dog, and Im not getting one of those ever
Yeah a lot of small dogs suck. But I’ve got a small ish dog ( mini aussie Shepherd/poodle mix) and she’s great. Needs tons of outdoor space tho so not a good breed for the city