Discord ID: 400696192503250944
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Ok here goes is a free service that lets you stream to 5 places at once
I can vouch for it because we've been 24/7 through it on 2 of the 5 destinations without a problem
that won't solve the audience problem from youtube but at least if you're live a bunch of places people will find you eventually
it's so gay you can get AIDS from watching his channel
@mattforney forgot to tag you for ^^^
hey @mattforney I'm guessing you saw by now but Roosh got shoah'ed from twitch already!
He went to
ADL must have actually been watching live
cat boy!
yo @mattforney this might lighten your load and broaden the audience: lets you stream to 5 at once, and Stream.ME will let you auto upload the archive to youtube when done.
i bet i couldn't miss that
no nut november turned into dick destroying december
every day is dick destroying day
clean your fleshlight thoroughly
ugh so i'm 54 minutes behind but gotta go to bed soon
i was 10 when SNES came out that makes me a boomer
i can remember when Zelda was a top-down game
basically the end of the good games era is what a raspberry pi can emulate
time to pause Fuentes twitch VOD and switch to braap
shilling for my youtube channel where I literally boomerpost old records:
eagles the band?
youtube hates the fuckin eagles man, cause every video I put up got blocked
I had to resort to bitchute, but they use a shitty bitrate for the audio so it's a little swishy
i've been doing it casually for almost 10 years
its exciting to find promo records
doubt if anything i have is rare enough to be worth more than 25 bucks but i don't plan on selling
and new music is all shit
and started turning to shit right around the time 45s stopped being produced
no shit sherlock
but they're not mass produced as the standard
runs of like 1000 discs don't count
I've got outkast and maroon 5 on 45s
shit I found a kelly clarkson 45 last year
dude i'm barely 30
I have a friend who went bald in his 20s hairline don't mean shit
I couldn't name a current hit song probably
rappers delight was released in 1978
Paul Town and Nick Fuentes on this one!
"as funny as typing out a six letter word with your friends is, i'm tired of fucking going on my timeline and it looks like you guys are playing wheel of fortune!" - Shawn
why don't black people like aspirin?
because it's white, it works, and you have to pick a little cotton to get to it
bring on the sweat!
Shawn's twitter is back looks like he didn't get banned
loli pedos were going hard after him
please welcome tonight's sponsor for the weekly sweat:
poor eggy got chased off the internet by the feds
that alex menassian song wasn't good optics thou
I did that was the first one I ever saw
since i'm new to discord i don't really know how the voicechat stuff works, if you join the waiting room can you still hear the show or what?
no fed just 30 year old boomer
I avoid voicechat on games because i fucking hate talking to people
oh fuck first voice i hear is joe the boomer
these intros are so kino
beardson fedly
now all we need is Nick
beardson jonesing for nicotine
hahaha so that wasn't a hallucination after all
streamlabs could be disconnected from the youtube account
the clown of all trades
women are fucking cancelled
braap discord is weird, I'm locked in some weird vetting waiting room
is america first the weekly sweat's pre show? or is the weekly sweat america first's after show
i need a gf to send me feet and tummy picsw
bitches unmatch when i ask for tummy pix
i've now gone into the old vaults of weekly sweats on kipperly's channel
the going blind edition seems to be from the kavanaugh era
that's a yikes for me chief
i don't watch porn but somehow stumbled on this website called "girls with hands in panty" where its GIFs and videos of chicks flipping their beans
kind of a turn on
hey cool you are that same wyatt from twitter
this one had me rolling:
press F for n-word pass shawny
ohhhh hahahah really
I wiped my personal twitter clean and now just use it as a troll account
wore out my cut and paste with "hey i heard mcdonalds is hiring coders" on the fired SJW journo shits
he aged really well
there's that meme pic floating around from him and what's her name from top gun then and now
she looks like a corpse now
women age like milk
well kelly mcgillis is almost 60
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