Message from @amlam

Discord ID: 593500717453672448

2019-06-26 16:35:44 UTC

2019-06-26 16:38:58 UTC  

Get the ball you idiot!

2019-06-26 16:42:40 UTC  

That map might just be the electoral map at this point

2019-06-26 16:51:11 UTC  

Well if the Texan governor is going more Neo-con I don't know about that, and then you have states like PA that have flipped

2019-06-26 16:52:09 UTC

2019-06-26 16:54:55 UTC  

This is why Vice is dying

2019-06-26 16:55:24 UTC  

Even members of the *"LGBTQ+"* community are turning on the movement.
That's how bad its gotten.

2019-06-26 17:13:29 UTC  

@RuRu is that graph real?

2019-06-26 17:39:13 UTC  

i'm trying to figure out if this person is making a joke, or unironically doing one of things the person said is toxic femininity.

2019-06-26 17:40:49 UTC  

no, TDMRAs is for real

2019-06-26 17:41:53 UTC  

but, I think they think the tweet is a lie

2019-06-26 17:43:06 UTC  

They're trying to mock the person they replied to, in not a very smart way

2019-06-26 17:45:03 UTC  

It falls flat because their world view is that police systematically discriminate against women as agents of the patriarchy when in reality all of society is heavily biased towards upholding the safety and well being of women

2019-06-26 17:45:49 UTC  

For good reason by the way. Women are far more valuable in terms of reproduction which is one of the largest influencers of our evolution

2019-06-26 17:56:33 UTC

2019-06-26 17:56:54 UTC

2019-06-26 17:58:14 UTC  

Oh boi. The mood of our country is now determined by the subhumans in internet comment sections according to literally who even

2019-06-26 17:59:32 UTC  


2019-06-26 17:59:53 UTC

2019-06-26 17:59:57 UTC  


2019-06-26 18:02:44 UTC  


2019-06-26 18:03:53 UTC  


2019-06-26 18:27:24 UTC  

Does the 2nd amendment cover this?

2019-06-26 18:48:16 UTC  

Possibly, but if you used the nuke outside of self defense... I would fire my nuke at you.

2019-06-26 18:50:06 UTC

2019-06-26 18:50:38 UTC  

next target

2019-06-26 18:51:02 UTC  

Too late

2019-06-26 18:51:33 UTC  

Matt describes why nukes aren’t covered by the second amendment pretty well in one of his videos. Basically the second amendment protects the individual’s right to keep and bear arms including all weapons that could reasonably be deployed in defense of one’s self, family, or property without necessarily harming non-attackers. So this includes all guns including automatics but doesn’t include things like hand grenades and rocket launchers for example since the potential for collateral damage is inherent

2019-06-26 18:52:07 UTC  

They’ve already quarantined The_Donald <@342475271473070080>. I linked a reddit post about it

2019-06-26 18:56:08 UTC

2019-06-26 18:56:44 UTC  

I bought a mug from that guy

2019-06-26 18:57:30 UTC  

Carlos Maza is a terrorist. He want people to feel threatened by physical violence so he can get his political outcome

2019-06-26 19:09:53 UTC  

that subname has to be ironic they are rabid in there

2019-06-26 19:10:37 UTC  

"Let us know when the right stops calling Democrats communists. The Democrats aren't even left wing."

2019-06-26 19:10:46 UTC  

and retarded it seems

2019-06-26 19:14:44 UTC

2019-06-26 19:19:07 UTC  

“The Democrats aren’t even left wing”
If you believe this then there can be no productive conversation. We live in two different worlds and disagree on reality

2019-06-26 19:21:57 UTC  

Such is the case with a lot of political debates, it seems

2019-06-26 19:47:09 UTC  

it gets interesting trying to square that circle, does he mean they are right wing?
I wonder what kind of definition of left and right he's even using
is it just the old thing of all bad things are right wing

2019-06-26 19:47:45 UTC  

I'd ask him but being such a moderate policitcal discussion subreddit, they've blocked further comments...