Message from @MatthewHeimbach
Discord ID: 390360097710407680
just looked it up for myself, its true and heterosexual
Direct link to the CDN
I also checked and it’s real
image is real indeed
I suppose PH caught onto the hot new trend of yentas
Sigh..................................... jews
khazar milkers have always appealed to the goyim
Shakin muh head
this is just fully automated luxury space khazar milkers
Always had a nigger brain myself personally dem hips tho
Must be the Potatoe blood
Oy vey
First day of hanukkah celibate by burning the torah
I would if I could find a copy for free. But I don't think there's much chance of that
If I could get a copy for free I would <:dryhandsguy:374715701828517888>
Ah beat me to it
Btw my Caucasian comrades, begin assembling this list for your upcoming weekend training drills and camping.
Lil Pump: Gucci Gang
Me, an intellectual: Guccitorical Ganglious
TWP camping trips?
Lil Kim: Juche Gang
Sounds great
Starting in March, it will be like National Guard duty, everyone does a weekend of physical training and fraternity
Love it 👌🏻 used to do the same when I was 16/17 in one of those tryhard militias full of boomer 3%ers, but the FTX's they had were great.
Always great to get out of the city for a few days with good comrades.
Just camping trips
That's pretty much all they were too, they just called it an FTX for extra larp points
Not that I didn't learn some valuable stuff on some of em
Well I'm saying thats what we are doing. We need to physically train with hiking etc, and improving ourselves
Muh envirorment
I'm sure they'll be more useful than the boomer 3%er version lol.
Freakin Boomers and their non logic
Yeah I gave up on them after about a year. I'd much rather go on a hate hike with my TWP comrades.
"Hate Hike" love it
Yeah I wish I could take credit for that name, think I first heard it from Axon or one of the Dayton guys
Love it
I think the TRS pool parties started that one