Message from @motorolla
Discord ID: 426336732795895820
Can it be the "get Nazis GFs initiative"
@Joey Zyklon No, I'm first priority
I feel like complete shit I just want my family and normal life back
Y'all niggas don't know this but I'm actually a bit smart. I had an opportunity to kiss government ass and get money for it but chose not to
I was Ted to be a Nazi and hate the federal government instead
After the party collapsed, I sat there for a good 2 days just thinking "fuck, is it really worth it? When all of these guys sacrificed their freedom for some guy who fucked everything" but I came out of it, at the end of this, everything will had been worth it. Keep your eyes on Victory and don't lose sight of it
Not 🅱️ublic yet
My message got Shoah'd
What's up with the guy in vc just sitting there?
shhh he's sleeping
Imo gay libertarian is redundant
Nationalist Initiative 😄
we looking good
I voted for Rebirth, but all the other faqqots outvoted me.
>Store Brand vs Name Brand.
Best comment.
I love these roasts.
@ghostofthevolk >Playing virgin SimCity and not Chad City Skylines
Did my nickname get changed too
Oh it Didn't
But it should.
Punished Gayto
God hates fags
You’re all going to hell
Esoteric Boomerism Now?
Boomers are really tolerant of fags for some reason. I hope generation Zyklon hates fags a little more
I liked it better when fags where trapped in their closets
I hate fags