Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 426353015193206787
Imo gay libertarian is redundant
Nationalist Initiative 😄
we looking good
Would have preferred Nationalist Nazi Initiative but hey
I voted for Rebirth, but all the other faqqots outvoted me.
>Store Brand vs Name Brand.
Best comment.
I love these roasts.
@ghostofthevolk >Playing virgin SimCity and not Chad City Skylines
Did my nickname get changed too
Oh it Didn't
But it should.
Punished Gayto
God hates fags
You’re all going to hell
Esoteric Boomerism Now?
Boomers are really tolerant of fags for some reason. I hope generation Zyklon hates fags a little more
I liked it better when fags where trapped in their closets
I hate fags
There was a time when we handled them appropriately
But honestly we have bigger problems right now than segregating and punishing fags
The Jew is obviously enemy #1
Fags aren't even the tip of the iceberg
Not even close
Lol @ (((berg)))
I want the niggers out before we gas the fags
As Fevs would say...
Nigger nigger nigger!
Out out out!
There are literal fashy homos who will help us accomplish our goal, then we long knife them.