Message from @DCagent
Discord ID: 543645908768784393
Kio la fek
you worship a man who got turned into a human pinata
@DCagent Ill tell the communist rebels no u
~~do you think the kids ate the candy?~~
@DCagent 99% of the shit i do is meming this is not a serious political server if you want serious debate i can do it
Do you want a serious debate?
y or n
I WaS jUsT jOkInG
Socialism > fascism
oh god no, I've already learned too much about you back at gopcord
Ok i believe in a society where we are culturally united by an authoritarian one party state.
a place he got banned from
I believe we could use this to maintain our traditions and continue to help the American people.
@Anakin Skywalker see, your serious beliefs aren't exactly any better
We will have a state religion and a mixed economy a form known only as corporativism.
Whats wrong with them
im authoritarian and an open fascist i mean you should not be surprised.
Fuck tiger.
I would love nothing more than to debate them one on one
And show them truth
da twuth
Can I suck your pp @Anakin Skywalker
I’m a girl
Capitalism in my opinion along with socialism both lead to degeneracy.
Can I?
N o
If we marry?
if you did than yes
but you cant be a trap
I won’t
Will you marry me?
No i dont know you
A strong moral people and moral state is how you maintain a society why do you think the romans fell. @DCagent
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ I'll dig for you and rake for you ♪
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ I'll scrub for you and bake for you ♪
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ All others I'll forsake for you ♪
♪ All this will I do if you'll marry me ♪
♪ All this will I do if you'll marry me ♪