Message from @Jew S U P R E M E
Discord ID: 543646435132964875
I believe we could use this to maintain our traditions and continue to help the American people.
@Anakin Skywalker see, your serious beliefs aren't exactly any better
We will have a state religion and a mixed economy a form known only as corporativism.
Whats wrong with them
im authoritarian and an open fascist i mean you should not be surprised.
Fuck tiger.
I would love nothing more than to debate them one on one
And show them truth
da twuth
Can I suck your pp @Anakin Skywalker
I’m a girl
Capitalism in my opinion along with socialism both lead to degeneracy.
Can I?
N o
If we marry?
if you did than yes
but you cant be a trap
I won’t
No i dont know you
A strong moral people and moral state is how you maintain a society why do you think the romans fell. @DCagent
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ I'll dig for you and rake for you ♪
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ I'll scrub for you and bake for you ♪
♪ If you'll marry me ♪ ♪ All others I'll forsake for you ♪
♪ All this will I do if you'll marry me ♪
♪ All this will I do if you'll marry me ♪
@Anakin Skywalker for a multitude of complex problems and situations that were the result of various decisions and events transpiring over the past century?
@DCagent Yes it was those problems that lead to the degeneration of the people both culturally and mentally. If they had not made those decisions the people would have been culturally united and thus would have remained as one.
tiger still appreciates your presence in the server btw
@Anakin Skywalker you realize rome began *uniting* around christianity in their final two centuries, right?
They never picked which sect and ended up falling due to this sectarianism.
Christians cant agree on shit like the jews.
Jews if they disagree its like ok than
this is hilarious
Christians its burning you on a stake