Message from @xKing_ARIESx
Discord ID: 403894631382908928
Rate my OC niggas
yo is corrosion back?
The new server is up
Join the chat with me and Jaeger
will do
hey im back now
i got off work early
alright im getting back on
hey looking to play something
I don't have Rust, so
play war thunder and get autism
Been up all night
Ok kkkool I’m getting on
We got a shit ton of stuff me and krieg picked up 2 crate drops
and we won some gun fights
probably be on later
i switched to arma 3
We can get our supplies and more back tonight. I assume it'll be quiet again
My goyim take a look at this
It's from an Israeli magazine, and was painted by a "leftist feminist".😬
She even said that she's communist and that she's antifascist
But talking about double standards ...