Message from @Thötterdämmerung
Discord ID: 364437001337831444
They're saying he converted a few months ago. Could the SE Asian GF be instrumental?
There's lots of ISIS folks in the Phillipines
Shooter had two shooting platforms setup, 8 guns, and cameras in the hallway to see police arriving
Damn is Anglin prophetic again?
He said that just a few mins ago
Turns out his wife is out of the country, and the lady going around screaming folks are gonna die could just have been a drunken idiot.
No she was a mans wife that he was cucking
Ah, how do we know that?
Or just a dumb bitch
Idk just throwing random shit until it sticks lol
News saying now this is the "new America " "we are at war with ourselves "
They're not wrong.
Yea what's next is what I'm wondering.
If ur supporting Catalonian independence you have a subpar iq tbh
Who's supporting that?
Retweeting Jack Posobiec n shit
FL is remotely controlled speaking @Thomas Ryan did we lose that account during the split
Remotely controlled?
@Goymen Sachs I wish I had that guys issue of having so much ammo he needs to hire people to help shoot it off! 😂 And now I need another AR just to try that!
Today at 5 PM
We really need someone to go
Sadly we will have to purge some of our own race
That's dick to say even by my standards
@Eric TX From what I understand, as diseases laid claim to whites, we evolved with a higher degree of disgust sensitivity to our environment. As a result, we became highly orderly people. The weak died. The strong lived. Maybe this is just another disease? Our people will become stronger for surviving it and transcending these struggles.
@Goymen Sachs I could see that. Our seemingly "masochistic" tendencies could just be another stage of purging ourselves of our weqk
Scientists say flu 2.0 is coming just a matter of time
Been reading a lot on sick leave