Message from @FlintShrubwood
Discord ID: 377568569741017098
Now the baby nazi
We get it, you whores wanna get pregnant.
Cat ladies i should say
Next it will be the croupy nazi
And the teething nazi
Never heard croupy before in my life, not going to life. @FlintShrubwood
I thought the police added some nice lighting to the video
made it very intense
Cops are secretly ourguys trying to help with dramatic lighting to our photoshoot
spread it, they probabaly believe it anyway
Tom they have shitty graphics
That's... hideous.
**If you have to use white text with black outline, your formatting is already wrong, start over**
I don't know, I've used it before. But the poster is much too crowded. Too much going on
So what happened? The anniversary has passed. Did they oversleep or something?
Nah, fascists showed up and scared the piss out of em
Maybe they looked around and saw they already lived in a communist society, and just got high instead
Hahaha... Probably.
It seems like we might actually be able to win without going to war with them seeing as how much they cuck.
Just gotta avoid traps like Charlottesville
Idk how tho
Rallies on private property and quick unannounced operations like this past weekend.
Flash rallies.
You never meet an opponent with overwhelming numbers and resources in a pitched battle.
We have sent TX Antifa into complete meltdown. A. They don't know where we will show up and B. They're terrified of us whenever we do.
Fash rallies work
TBH, we can probably be a little more public in Texas than in other states. A lot of the cops are good ole boys. Especially the state troopers.
As they should be. Yes, we should avoid having pre anounced rallies. There is no sense in making our enemy aware of our tactics. Or we could bait them out with pre announced rallies.
That's a good point
Bait them out if it will hurt their public image.
Up until the point where we can easily muster numbers for Nordfront style marches, we're doing smaller, more selectively chosen flash demos.
We aren't going to do pre announced shitshows.
Yes I believe we should use psyops and drive them crazy playing wack a mole
Psyops are one thing
But we announce
And don't show up?
Isn't that what antifa did this weekend?