Message from @Hellhound6

Discord ID: 623216026460618773

2019-09-16 14:17:47 UTC  

I am married so I'm definitely not giving my sex life up lol

2019-09-16 14:17:57 UTC  

Im joking my dude lol

2019-09-16 14:18:06 UTC  

But seriously, stay stong

2019-09-16 14:18:22 UTC  

Got laid last night so that helps lol

2019-09-16 14:19:34 UTC  

I also ran 2.5 miles and climbed 75 flights on the stair machine last night

2019-09-16 14:19:37 UTC  

Seems to help

2019-09-16 14:20:20 UTC  

I punch the retarder at work

2019-09-16 14:20:32 UTC  

Good substitutes

2019-09-16 14:21:39 UTC  

Unrelated, but ive been putting a handprint on the retarder at work everyday, and that bitch never gets cleaned.

2019-09-16 14:21:47 UTC  

Shits been there for like a week now

2019-09-16 15:42:23 UTC  

do not bully the retards pls thank u

I needa date an kawaii alien girl

I wonder how martian pussy feels like 🤔

2019-09-16 15:46:47 UTC  

It ain't bad. Almost as good as Venusian


jk jk

2019-09-16 17:18:46 UTC  

@насильственное убийство the real questions. We probe them.

2019-09-16 17:20:12 UTC  

For science of course

2019-09-16 17:50:48 UTC

2019-09-16 17:56:15 UTC  

Im becoming a depressed adult... all the things I use to have great interest in im slowly putting down. I used to build with lego. Mostly making tanks with actual detail, and contraptions using the motor sets and technic kits. Now i dont care for the plastic bricks. I feel like im too old for them. And that feeling is spreading around to ever other hobby or interest i have. From lego to video games. Video games are for kids... video games are for kids... video games are for kids keeps repeating in my mind. I used to want to start blacksmithing, like legit metal work, but ive begun to push that off and away subconsciously... i dont know what to do anymore and my parents just say "welcome to adulthood, get used to it"

2019-09-16 17:57:38 UTC  

And its not just those 3 examples, its every fucking thing

2019-09-16 17:57:59 UTC  

I mean not to be That guy but that's partially due to society today

2019-09-16 17:58:20 UTC  

Bruh I'm in my 20s, work all the time, got degrees, have a kid, and I still find time for dungeons and dragons type games. I stopped caring what other people thought of me a long time ago, and enjoy the things that make me happy

2019-09-16 17:59:18 UTC  

I used to find my job boring, ringing people up and putting freight away on its shelf. Nowthats the only feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction i get. From finishing freight 10 minutes early or getting a certain number of transactions on my register...

2019-09-16 18:00:04 UTC  

@thedarkness05 thats the thing, it isn't other people putting me down its coming from within. Im 20 too

2019-09-16 18:00:35 UTC  

Work is becoming more fun than life

2019-09-16 18:00:48 UTC  

Welcome to the jungle bud.

2019-09-16 18:01:03 UTC  

Ok, so why is that? Is it because you're growing out of them naturally, or is it a societal anxiety to abandon that stuff?

2019-09-16 18:01:03 UTC  

@Hellhound6 its the one without fun and games

2019-09-16 18:01:13 UTC  

But seriously, you need to get out and find stimulation

2019-09-16 18:01:58 UTC  

Its not me growing out of them, its wanting to continue the interest but not. Does that make any sense?

2019-09-16 18:02:22 UTC  


2019-09-16 18:03:01 UTC  

I lost interest in pretty much everything I used to do for a bit. But I forced myself to get out even when I didn't want to

2019-09-16 18:03:26 UTC  

Like i want to keep building and playing video games, but i feel pressured to stop because thats for kids, and blacksmithing, theres no market for it in my area. Yeah i can fix the neighbors shovel for like 20 minutes of labor or she can drive 5 minutes to the ace and buy a new one

2019-09-16 18:03:51 UTC  

Fuck that

2019-09-16 18:04:06 UTC  

Dude keep up blacksmithing n shit if it brings you joy

2019-09-16 18:04:43 UTC  

You gotta rekindle those passions, otherwise life can get a bit dull. Do what makes you happy, even new things. I started dnd when I first got into college, its never too late to get a new hobby

2019-09-16 18:04:46 UTC  

I did want to get into airsoft, paintball, piloting, boating and all sorts of other cool stuff. But nope. Work is more important than what I want to do.

2019-09-16 18:05:34 UTC  

My dad didn't have one for years, until he finally did the stereotype doctor thing and bought a boat. Now he looks forward to race days every week and gets as excited as a kid

2019-09-16 18:05:47 UTC  

@PanzerWrecker dude I play paintball, I go hiking, and I spend one weekend a month in the mountains. Youbhave to make time for yourself or you'll end up blowing your brains out

2019-09-16 18:05:56 UTC  

Is a man supposed to be happy? Do i deserve happiness? Do i need it? No... work is more important than what I want to do.

2019-09-16 18:06:06 UTC  
