Discord ID: 285245997108559874
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one time i put "its ok to be white" stickers on the mailboxes for a black newspaper
stickers are great idea
Boot licker
aye aye cap'n
shut up peckerwood
true but irrelevent
so you beat him with soap rite
oh thank god
that color was awful
if someone is causing you this much uncertainity and unhappiness, thats probably a sign they're not right for you
unironically start ignoring her
if she likes you, she'll try and get you back
if she doesnt and she just wanted attention, then you're free from her devil vagina magic
actively pursuing a woman whose playing games with you is dumb
theres literally nothing wrong with putting the ball in her court
ejaculate and evacuate
how *dare* you, so long as everyone communicates about when and where they're getting fucked by strangers and contracting HIV then literally everything is fine
>implying you would ever have a girlfriend
my fucking linguistics professor had us watch 30 minutes of schoolhouse rock
your tax dollars are going to pay for fucking childrens cartoons reeeee
honestly, i think he just had to grade some papers, kek
i would agree, conjunction junction is a real banger
but still
I sit my ass in the front row. No slackin for me
I wont deny that
Oh and yeah, that or work in editing or something
she learnin rock law
that actually seems really cool
you are the borox
you speak for the rocks
I have a small but beloved rock collection
yoooo my nigga, i was born in kentucky
i think around where youre talking about
i miss it
around bowling green
similar mood to these states--Maine
Maine was like the south except north. Big cozy
I miss snowstorms
blizzards are max comfy
>implying women are people
Look at that cutie
dont make promises you cant keep
Shouldve genocided them and then denied it
The weak should fear the strong
chad af my nigga, damn
you bureaucrat ganged him
send video, i love watching people fight
answer the fucking door faggot
sauerkraut is great, y'all just plebs who dont want your gut microbiome to be straight poppin'
enjoy your throat cancer
my nigga
nothing will happen until porn and vidya become so pozzed and gey that the masses of men who were sedated by it cant enjoy it anymore
/k/arty :DDDDDDDDD
Yeah y'all gon get fucked
Nuh uh
I think i actually might be in class when it hits tho, big kek
water nibbas rise up
Im not adding any of you sketchy niggas
Dont trust a single of yas
now *kith*
holy fuck
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Claw is pure zoomer
Spotted in the wild
based nigga
whiskey is the only thing that doesnt give me an awful hangover
im gonna go buy a yuge pack of huwhite claws after class and watch the hurricane
who want to join me
@Hellhound6 dont reeeee at me fagit, you know you wanna join
this is my favorite thing to put in my mouth
sounds like my kinda dude
sweet drinks good to get you white girl wasted
yeah, your 'face'
I know where the peanut butter went
You degen
thicc thighs save lives
*sweats nervously*
I left em on your moms night stand
only a few?
Ive reached the point where all my music is objectively awful and its no longer ironic
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