Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 657939403766759455

2019-12-21 12:58:32 UTC  

I defend the right of either side to do these hashtags

2019-12-21 12:58:47 UTC  

But I can still call either side out for sounding like retards

2019-12-21 12:59:21 UTC  

I happen to agree with this particular tweet though lmao

2019-12-21 13:01:32 UTC  

> Rebecca Long Bailey, the shadow business secretary, has turned to Alex Halligan, who was instrumental in Mr Corbyn’s successful leadership campaign in 2015.

2019-12-21 13:02:31 UTC  

``Mr Halligan is well known as a Momentum and Unite organiser in the northwest, and was a key figure in Ms Long Bailey’s selection for her Salford & Eccles seat in 2015. He helped to mastermind Mr Corbyn’s surprise leadership win, mobilising activists to get the backing of local constituency parties when he was still an outsider in the race.

Mr Halligan’s involvement has prompted alarm from supporters of Ms Long Bailey who fear that she will repeat the mistakes made by Mr Corbyn in allowing dogmatic figures from the hard left to dominate her office.``

2019-12-21 13:07:14 UTC  

I do love it when PEP calls someone else hysterical

2019-12-21 13:07:20 UTC  

Always tickles my funny bone

2019-12-21 13:16:13 UTC  

So they're doomed to repeat themselves by the looks of it

2019-12-21 13:18:29 UTC  

Well, its well known that communists hate the past, so its unsurprising they don't learn from their colossal mistakes.

2019-12-21 13:21:57 UTC  
2019-12-21 13:26:08 UTC  

Yeah unless they do something so dramatic that completely melts the party it'll take Labour another cycle to pull its shit together

2019-12-21 13:26:54 UTC  


2019-12-21 13:26:56 UTC  


2019-12-21 13:27:01 UTC  


2019-12-21 13:28:34 UTC  

He'll lose an election

2019-12-21 13:30:39 UTC  

They'd all lose an election. Point is he'd lose the least.

2019-12-21 13:33:04 UTC  

well that didnt last long on twatter... now #SolidarityWithOwenJonesDay is the only thing about him trending

2019-12-21 13:33:19 UTC  


2019-12-21 13:38:04 UTC  

That moment when your mum says Boris Johnson needs to do a better job of interacting with people and you say "hold the fuck up" <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-21 13:46:13 UTC  

He is the most relatable person in politics right now aside from Nigel in the pub.

2019-12-21 13:53:44 UTC  

I mean unless they elect jess phillips thats all they got

2019-12-21 13:54:26 UTC  

I said to me mum "if you want a parliamentarian you should of elected Corbyn, hes a nice enough MP, doesn't resort to personal attacks- but hes absolute trash on actual politics" <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-21 14:01:02 UTC  

I will say it.

2019-12-21 14:01:19 UTC  

Look at that big fucking grin.

2019-12-21 14:01:32 UTC  

He's been riding that high since election day.

2019-12-21 14:01:37 UTC  

The Labour Manifesto was the most radical suicide note since Elliot Rodgers.

2019-12-21 14:02:44 UTC  

Can I give a hot take?

2019-12-21 14:03:05 UTC  

Guy Fawkes was a moderate when compared to Corbyn.

2019-12-21 14:05:32 UTC  


2019-12-21 14:06:06 UTC  

Even so, I'm glad Corbyn isn't as ballsy.

2019-12-21 14:16:43 UTC  

Guy Fawkes attempted to take out the legislative and executive branches in one go

2019-12-21 14:16:49 UTC  

new hashtag trending bois #OwenJonesIsAWanker <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-21 14:17:21 UTC  

@Jerm70 that would be like taking out the Capital building during a state of the Union

2019-12-21 14:17:28 UTC  

More moderate my ass

2019-12-21 14:18:46 UTC  

I mean, would we be worse off if he succeeded <:shrug:349342983763656705>

2019-12-21 14:39:10 UTC  

It's a good thing Guy Fawkes failed