
Discord ID: 145978101703245824

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Ban anime

Stop, furry

Anthro get lost

@n0vitski has the best art here tbh

And he's actually a fake Russian.

But I didn't tell you that

Fake language

I don't believe this is your art.

>recolouring countries
>art channel



Recolouring a map ain't art. Like recolouring someone else's art.

lmao whatever you say

I literally did that when I was 6 for fun with friends when planning out fictional war scenarios. But yes, totally art.

Not shitting on people with actual talent.

So, you recolour artwork using a bot and post it here, Comando? That's not very OC.

Oooh, actual art.


Nothing happens

You are a god

@D3bug_logic but unfortunately, you've got in the way of my copyrighted conspiracy theory and for this, I will be suing you for everything you have.


Absolute weak pussy

Actual art!


Your favourite meme in your favourite show.

@Deleted User it's bad and you should feel bad

Is this supposed to be anything?

I think he had a stroke

Is it like tribal art or something?

Make them break down

Now that looks snazzy

That sounds like the way modern artists come up with their creations

I'm so glad I had my headphones off

What's this originally from?


read above

Fists of ham

@Emperor Trump post things you made.

They're not bad at it like you, @MS

And I thought you had a wrinkly brain


Did you make it? Yes.
Are you posting someone else's work? No.

2019-05-23 12:47:11 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme


Art is for lefties


The quality of art in here is akin to modern art.

Maggot cheese is a disgusting French invention and should be nuked

Ruined bike

2019-06-10 07:28:36 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-06-10 07:28:51 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls foxxy

@Mu <:sargone:465483910638469131>

Who's to say what art is? <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

Purge this chat before I purge your mum

2019-06-12 08:29:47 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls foxxy

2019-06-12 08:30:01 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls kitty

Look just like the shut ins you are

@Ironstripe is a real man <:ahegon:566797166258028548> <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

Fucking gay

So you won't hear the deaths of your parents

What is going on lmao

Jack looks 13, so I may be called a paedophile for blowing a irl shota, so yours <:0000:580108657832886292>

Jack, just show yourself to Anubis

You look 13 <:0000:580108657832886292>

Yes you do <:omegalul:454240115989020672>


Absolutely not

You'd have to look 20 <:0000:580108657832886292>


It's going to be so nice to finally have a double mattress instead of a single mattress that's collapsed right where the mid of my back is

You wish

Ban Jack for looking 13

Jack, show Anubis your face

If you need anything, Anubis will do it for you.

Anubis, show us your biceps


Can we nuke Boogie? Actually, I'm not even sure a nuke could remove him from the world. He's got enough land mass to survive.

Scots don't even like themselves, how can they enjoy the bliss known as custard?

Haggis is delicious

The strong man is at the gym today <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

I wanna rub his chest


Just custard. Who cares about the other flavours. Its like asking a nonretarded person if they like flavoured teas, of course we don't. <:0000:580108657832886292>

Flavoured teas are an American invention and deserve death.

Fuck the Asians, they lost their rights to call tea theirs

Because you touch yourself at night

Fuck you 2K

But it's sensual and romantic

2K has a gorgeous voice

I want a guy I can lift over my shoulder

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