
Discord ID: 170635305676832778

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Aka, Furries are in fact allowed to exist here <:smugon:512048583806025739>

Skip the destroyer

Fucking use temple of vee

Cease the whinging

NAP violation lmao

@Mu sort

@Deleted User this isn't a meme channel


let the purging begin

@A Russian Bad Actor is that your channel?

Just seeing if its relevant

thank fuck

<@228195677782409217> did you ignore the above conversation about OC?

Mu time to kick vee


@Mu purgy purgy

I haven't had pizza in 11 weeks, that comes close to breaking me

After leaving the cells for the 10th time

@MaikuPens gallery is for artwork/OC

can always use writing on the wall for it though

@logic this isn't really a place for memes, <#556763209693134848> is, gallery is more artwork/OC like videos

oh no

Mu you're gay as fuck

get out

A man's post gets deleted in a chat and you think that of me? No, *I* am the one who deletes!

oh fuck off

the clown does my head in

bit aggressive there


@Protegent Antivirus this isn't the channel for that, this is for people's artwork

Np, writing on the wall is free

2019-06-01 10:55:37 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

<@561896597957509130> don't spam that in every channel please

MS self doxxing

Y'all virgins tbh

This is a looooot of cleaning required

Mikey you'll get banned from this room boyo

Mikey, that's true and hurtful lmao

@Supreme Grand Master Janus @5un5trik3 this is the art channel use <#591364767721979937> for these, I'll now be cleaning this channel

@ClassicalPositioning this is the art channel

@Mu bread goes in a retarder to rise before baking as well lmao

You need to retard bread <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

@2K sucks to be you I hear nothing when asleep


Tfw the bot can't grab us

I'll try it and delete

Yeah gonna say it doesnt hit me

This is Discordia tbh


Mikey is gonna get yeeted

I may be immune but you ain't <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

Probably yours

He thinks I look 13 because he's retarded


I really don't tho

Really don't

Id have to look like Phil Mitchell for the voice to fit the face tbh



Deserved tbh

Should've used a dog not designed to have a strongass bite <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

This is Mikey


Peak society

Her gigantic shadow

Lmao animals do that shit to survive

Yeah which is expected from a hungry pet

Anubis is a sub

No lmao

I'll do it

I aint showing unhinged Anubis anything

Do you people not remember what happened the last time art-icle 13 got spammed <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

It's legit the boomer from l4d2

@2K I'm a deep sleeper lmao

Scots like custard too

Oddly enough I can say I have in fact not tasted a donkey's cock


Custard is good

Just custard

Normal custard

B r i t i s h

She doesn't though

She's made a video on it

I have never been so thankful for youtube's shitty alogorithm


8 values is also shit

Yeah Muten chill out

It's against the rules to threaten people

Idgaf next one youre in the cells

Yeah he got unfairly fucked

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