Message from @notaglobe

Discord ID: 659460708110696448

2019-12-25 10:32:21 UTC  

@RedBSierra they could always get a job in a shop that shuts on Christmas

2019-12-25 10:34:39 UTC  


2019-12-25 11:31:53 UTC  

When Boris isn't your PM

2019-12-25 11:36:55 UTC  

Someone needs to burst that balloon with a claymore

2019-12-25 11:45:03 UTC  

Where is Jamie

2019-12-25 11:47:39 UTC  


2019-12-25 15:17:19 UTC  

Merry Christmas

2019-12-25 15:22:19 UTC  


2019-12-25 15:36:14 UTC  

How long until Scotland leaves the UK?

2019-12-25 15:54:46 UTC  

Love how they want to leave just so they can be another subject

2019-12-25 15:55:47 UTC  

Some people are subs

2019-12-25 15:56:37 UTC  

But they don't want to leave lmao

2019-12-25 15:57:47 UTC  

I hope they do so we stop getting a bunch of annoying SNP MP's every election

2019-12-25 17:04:44 UTC  

We should give the Scots three options. Leave, give England a devolved parliament or we send our MPs to Holyrood to be annoying cunts.

2019-12-25 17:07:18 UTC  

We should just merge constituencies in Scotland

2019-12-25 17:07:31 UTC  

They already have too many MP's compared to their population

2019-12-25 17:07:41 UTC  

Just cut the number of seats down to 30 or so

2019-12-25 18:21:25 UTC  

rework the barnett formula

2019-12-25 18:21:51 UTC  

Give Wales more and give Scotland less

2019-12-25 18:23:18 UTC  

give NI more <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-12-25 18:23:21 UTC  

I'm anti this, wales already gets more

2019-12-25 18:23:38 UTC  

wales needs more jobs sent there

2019-12-25 18:23:51 UTC  

tax incentive for businesses hiring in wales

2019-12-25 18:23:54 UTC  

none for scotland

2019-12-25 18:38:37 UTC  

Hang all the separatist parties on order of the crown, Queen will personally execute Nicola sturgeon.

2019-12-25 18:43:11 UTC  


2019-12-25 18:44:36 UTC  

@JackH670 ban PEP for that

2019-12-25 18:44:46 UTC  


2019-12-25 18:58:05 UTC  

Brexit when

2019-12-25 18:59:41 UTC  

So much cancer

2019-12-25 19:01:58 UTC  
2019-12-25 19:05:21 UTC  

Forgive my humble intrusion but seriously, the Scots are dumb enough to vote for the snp. I vote we invade. Pincer attack from the North via amphibian assault on Inverness and attack from the South using babergh as a supply base. The two forks of the pincer would meet in the middle somewhere near Fort William and could then concentrate on flushing out nessie , the source of krankies power.

2019-12-25 19:22:55 UTC  

And I think the example should be held in front of those pesky welsh as thier own over the top funding is cut. They can make up the shortfall by charging the same for a pint to a local as to a tourist. That's equality

2019-12-25 19:52:14 UTC  

But at least they can protect the nature from the highest crime of global warming

2019-12-25 20:08:44 UTC  

theyre fast enough, its the issue of charging as usual - i read the story, basically theyre useless and being used as cushy shuttles for the bosses. you can probably catch people sending mean tweets with one too and thats the most important crime

2019-12-25 20:14:04 UTC  

Strip 'em. Sell 'em.