Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 657401874915262486

2019-12-19 07:48:17 UTC  


2019-12-19 07:48:33 UTC  

It managed to kill this channel for several days

2019-12-19 08:37:47 UTC  

If it was leftist id think it would set the chat on fire rather than kill it...

2019-12-19 10:10:04 UTC  

Nim isn't leftist

2019-12-19 10:10:40 UTC  


2019-12-19 13:45:48 UTC  


2019-12-19 13:45:53 UTC  

Who's awake

If abortion is ok, injecting heroin into the fetus ok, essentially doing many things that will harm the fetus development ok to do; why the hell is it illegal to CRISPR/CAS-9 the fetus?

2019-12-19 18:35:50 UTC  

Well, that can potentially help the fetus

2019-12-19 18:35:53 UTC  

You don't want that!

2019-12-20 01:28:36 UTC  

Gods I hate these bloody transtrenders and other social constructionists going on about "biological sex is anti-science, but non-binary fanfiction is the realz!"

2019-12-20 01:46:32 UTC  

Sargon does more damage with just a few of these pro-radical feminist videos to men and to the benefit of feminism than 20 of his antifeminist videos could even make up for

2019-12-20 01:48:33 UTC  

Radical feminist are the worst of all feminist and should never be overlooked for SJW's who are dumb and make noise.
Their hatred of the trans women is because men and they want separate spaces because they use those spaces to isolate vulnerable women and radicalized them into political lesbianism.

2019-12-20 01:51:49 UTC  

These shelters are run predominately by radical feminist to exploit them to make them hate men.

2019-12-20 01:53:42 UTC  

When these radical feminist are no longer distracted by the trans women they're gonna have all the time and energy to focus directly on men.

Why does he want to help them do that

2019-12-20 01:56:07 UTC  

Because he’s principled and he speaks his mind. I feel like that’s what he would say, and he would also probably say something like “It’s not about tactics or sides or being pragmatic, it’s about being principled”

2019-12-20 01:56:42 UTC  

What you’re saying, correct me if I’m wrong, is that we should leave the TERFs to die against the LGBTQ crowd because their still our enemy

2019-12-20 01:57:15 UTC  

Well, he agrees with the TERF’s on this topic and disagrees with the LGBTQ crowd.

2019-12-20 01:57:33 UTC  

And he’s a commentary channel, so he makes commentary.

2019-12-20 02:00:20 UTC  

@Black Knight Patriarch Yeah, and AFAIK those early screeching autists who'd do dumb shit--to women who were MRA's back in the 1990s--were more than likely TERFs

2019-12-20 02:47:44 UTC  

The TERFs are right about one thing: Biology. And that they have in common with the "Medicalist" / "Truescum" transwomen.

The issue of women's shelters being radicalisation hubs for feminism and political lesbianism is known, at least in our spheres. There was a great interview with Erin Prizzy some time ago about that very issue:

Feminists go for the traumatized by rape-women. What I call "Phallophobia" is a common reaction in PTSD and c-PTSD patients who were raped. Like the war veteran who gets triggered by fireworks, despite consciously knowing it's just fireworks, but it's similar enough to the drums of war, has a fear/trauma response, due to the amygdala operating on lower resolution and has its signal strength increased. Thus "similar enough" stimuli trigger the response.
The same goes for some (not all) women with PTSD from rape. Their threat-detection extents from "that one penis" (tool of the crime) to "all penes" to "all men, because they have a respective penis". Not all of those women fall into utter misandry, for some are simply mothers who find themselves unable to bathe their little boys, but don't hate their boys for it.
However, it is an attack vector for the feminist, misandrist ideology.
(Also why transwomen, of whatever state of transition, cannot go to a female trauma-unit 😛 - they usually have almost entirely female only staff there for this very reason. It's not the traumatizeds' fault. But that logic error can only be addressed after the trauma-therapy)

2019-12-20 02:58:09 UTC  

(on a sidenote, if the man's reading this: I'll attempt to set up the substar again next year, and then annoy everyone in the upper echelons again. Fell out of there since the patreon debacle)

2019-12-20 03:04:40 UTC  

One of Sargons first livestreams was an interview with Erin. She's was so fucking redpilled

2019-12-20 03:04:58 UTC  

@Neja "the TERFs are right about one thing: biology"

No these lesbians are delusional, and in denial of any biological differences concerning male and female behaviours.

2019-12-20 03:05:29 UTC  

behaviour is yet another layer already

2019-12-20 03:05:55 UTC  

the reason why they're so obsessed with women spaces is because they want to isolate women in their shelters where they radicalized them. That's what they are afraid of.

2019-12-20 03:06:19 UTC  

It was Erin Pizzey taught Sargon about feminist Suffragettes blowing up post offices with mail bombs

2019-12-20 03:06:33 UTC  

but plain physiological differences between the sexes are being denied by the social constructionist "transtrender" supporting feminists/Left. That is the one thing the TERFs oppose they are correct about.

2019-12-20 03:07:20 UTC  

I'll look up that old livestream then, tomorrow 😄

2019-12-20 03:10:22 UTC  

Its on the ancient dead channel he never uses

2019-12-20 03:10:27 UTC  

Though he should

2019-12-20 03:11:43 UTC  

It's not so much about being principled as it is being shortsighted on the negative impacts that will have which are in contradiction with his goals.

He just made a video about lesbians being the most likely to abuse women but he's okay with them being in women spaces.

The SJW's are stupid, obvious and moronic and will self sabotage. Radical feminists are cold calculated, rational and do most of the real work behind the scenes.

Women's liberation was primarily lesbians. They are not like other women. They are neurologically different kinds of women which you cannot simply ignore or generalize.

When you see a group of women who are like 90%

Who you think makes up the majority of the WNBA?

Who do you think makes up the majority of the female soccer team?

What they mean by erasure is that they're afraid of losing their power over other women through using the female identity since they are masculine

2019-12-20 03:15:31 UTC  

I would not be surprised if a lot of lesbians are in reality just powerhungry, in the same way inmates use sexual intimidation to express their superiority in a situation where direct physical abuse is not tolerated.

2019-12-20 03:15:31 UTC

2019-12-20 03:16:25 UTC  

Their behaviour patterns are more like hetero-sexual men then other women and they see men as competition for women and of course are against heterosexuality

2019-12-20 03:16:42 UTC

2019-12-20 03:18:10 UTC