Message from @Deimos-MI
Discord ID: 411400111990767616
That's... not really how it works. If we want our stuff out there, we'll eventually make our own documentary. These folks are not worth interacting with.
I say we let him join because he gives free tats
I know I'm just midnight shitposting.
Broke: Siege poasting
Woke: Mike "Lord of Thunder" Pence poasting
I think we're all obviously shitpoasting.
But seriously, @Thomas Ryan here's my agent's number...give it to them!
Anyone want to voice?
@Deimos-MI No.
We don't talk to journalists. Ever. Full stop. End of story.
Here's a fun one
"A guy who goes by "Doctor Mayhem" is our representative from Patriot Front." At this point, I stand there, stare blankly and barely move. I look sedated. I don't answer questions , just stare. Of course, I'm wearing a nazi mad scientist outfit and a set of dark welding goggles. Have a chainsaw for some odd reason.
Just as the interview is about to be shut down because the journalists get no material they can work with, I burst up and scream, "OPTICS!" then walk out of the room
Sorry, multitasking, can't voice when multitasking.
What if we don't "talk" to them, but use sign language or shieeet?
communicate via hand paintings?
No. We don't talk to journalists. Ever. Full stop. End of story.
This is one case where you can't play clever
What if I talk with my fist?
Yes, because it's still true.
Optics bruh.
Fists ain't pretty
Allowing yourself to be interviewed at all means you're essentially going into a fight completely on their terms with your arms and legs tied up.
Everyone loves hand paintings tho... 😄
Basically it's like being a White woman who's trying to get a good part in Harvey Weinstein's next movie.
>Harvey Weinstein's career
Seems like #metoo has died down a bit, sad 😦
Vox Day long had this figured out. We don't need the media for exposure and the only way we should be interacting with them is after the stock market fully crashes and the American gov collapses, causing a complete lack of law and order enabling us to toss them into woodchippers en masse in this completely hypothetical situation so no bully FIB.
Until then, we can covertly communicate with journos via schoolgrade homework stickers! 👌
How to translate READ SIEGE into stickers? 🤔
Anyone know of a good clothing shop? The last one I used got the shoah.
@NDO Eric - TX Try European Brotherhood
>not being a poorfag and shopping at second hand stores