Message from @The Huwhyte Ulf - VA
Discord ID: 322038938061766678
Oh, VA has the mask law, too? Awesome. The mask law worked awesome at Auburn.
No, Charlottesville, VA.
You're probably thinking of Charlotte, NC.
Something simple as wearing a wind mask while biking can be a criminal offense.
@Markus Anthony Yeah, I gotcha
thanks, I have no idea how i ended up on gear instead of geneeral sorry
@Aaron - VA jfc. well, that no mask law will work in our favor
Definitely. Any opposition that show with hidden identity will be charged on the spot.
We should make that clear to everyone going on our side.
How can the press see your facist smirk if you are wearing a mask?
@Aaron - VA we'll make it clear. That's why we have an <#321379005926342666> channel
For those of you who want a small, light weight, durable shield I found this.
@Havamal posted about these
This is larger and clear, but the Amazon link is cheaper.
Same shield as the aliexpress link but with one day shipping
There we go.
I think if people have the funds and we get enough of these they would make a great shield wall for vips
I also think we should put our vips in body armor for optics. "We need to wear these vests because we can't trust the left to not assassinate our people" good red pill for normies.
I like the aesthetic of shields, in general. Optics saying that we are about defense. All of this is in our own defense. Until we're pushed too far.
I like that cold steel one in that it's small enough that it can be used offensively when throwing punches.
Exercising your legal second amendment is bad optics but larping like some mad max extra is "aesthetic" and good for optics..? This logic legitimately confuses me
All I'm saying is that a gun won't stop a brick from smashing your face.
@Americana - MD Gotta say I agree. Shields are great. I love shields. But they don't look very professional at all.
@The Huwhyte Ulf - VA all I'm saying is a shield won't stop a round from penetrating your torso. And it certainly isn't a good weapon against anything ranged.
It's America in the 21st century can we act like it?
Sure thing. So body armor and concealed carry?
Concealed or open why not?
I thought open carry was being deemed as a no go...
It's obviously a political statement saying we support the right to bear arms(inb4 muh civil liberties) and it's a decent show of force. it's not childish or larpy, and it's totally legal.
I agree with you. I thought one of the admins put out that we shouldn't open carry...trying to find which tag it was under.
It was under announcements.
For my part, lightweight vest under casual, clean clothes. Mouthguard (ask @Havamal I don't leave home without it). That's it. Not there to escalate; there to help my brethren if they're in danger.
I'm glad you said something... mouth guard now in my to get list
Ive got a vest to wear underneath.
mouthguard is prob critical