Message from @Radical
Discord ID: 337705840608018446
I thought we were going for a more professional look, like shirt with a collar
Everyone should be wearing HUWITE POLO! imo
but i just got my full SS uniform laundered
it has collar
^^^ cool points given for supreme awesomeness!!
nah i'll be wearing khakis and button up
Literally a swastika shirt
If I cant bring a gun, expect my own outfitt
just conceal carry
Riot helmets with clear face shields are legal btw
I'm going to buy a pair of boots for this event, preferably a pair that works for both this event and for the winter in Chicago. Any suggestions?
@AltRightMick I like bates durashocks
The bates look really good but $150 more than the other suggestions. What am I getting with a $15 pair of boots? Lol
@AltRightMick likely a painful experience
Theres a few things you should always invest in
Things you have to walk in, things you have to defend yourself with, and things you have to sleep in
I've had a pair of bates last over 8 years with good care
I like danners
I have two pairs like that.
Goes well with kakhis and polos
I'm gonna be in the shield wall so I'm gonna rock steel toe.
I don't like steel toes personally, most of the time they will hurt you worse than if you wore normal boots.
Kinda hard to catch a shin shattering on camera. Most video will be waist up
thats what your shield is for tho
much more effective than kicking
The boots are extra credit
So let me ask the most important question. Since you have the boot thing figured out.
What is your hydration plan?
Haven't really considered a hydration plan. I'll surely bring plenty of fluids that day.
heat is our biggest threat, not antifa. Get a camelback
I'll definitely consider that. I figured maybe the people behind the lines would take care of that.
Best to be self prepared.
I am working out the plan for it.
But the more people come prepared, the less water I will have to haul in and out.