Message from @Radical
Discord ID: 337709175784210442
Things you have to walk in, things you have to defend yourself with, and things you have to sleep in
Just for events these should work.
I've had a pair of bates last over 8 years with good care
I like danners
I have two pairs like that.
Goes well with kakhis and polos
I'm gonna be in the shield wall so I'm gonna rock steel toe.
I don't like steel toes personally, most of the time they will hurt you worse than if you wore normal boots.
Kinda hard to catch a shin shattering on camera. Most video will be waist up
thats what your shield is for tho
much more effective than kicking
The boots are extra credit
So let me ask the most important question. Since you have the boot thing figured out.
What is your hydration plan?
Haven't really considered a hydration plan. I'll surely bring plenty of fluids that day.
heat is our biggest threat, not antifa. Get a camelback
I'll definitely consider that. I figured maybe the people behind the lines would take care of that.
I am working out the plan for it.
But the more people come prepared, the less water I will have to haul in and out.
I like the camel back idea about. Would like my dependence on others.
I've also been looking at baseball helmets. I don't want to end up like the u lock guy.
* limit
Buy an old steel helmet for like $25 online and buy some of the new style pads for $8
I think the medic support will bring water but if you are on the shield wall it might be hard to get to it. Camalbacks are a lifesaver!!
Speaking of steel helmets, does anyone know of a protective insert one could put in a hat?
I'm not trying to rock an SS style helmet. Wouldn't pay the right image
That looks sharp
you can get a PASGT for like $50 too
Thats a US helmet from Vietnam
M w/e
I'm bringing 3 plexiglass police shields. These are the same ones in police/army surplus catalogs for $150. You can cut the middleman and order them direct from China for $75 postage paid. Mine came really fast, so you could probably still get one in time if you order now.
Ok goys – help me and make sure I get this one right.
I am trying to show some agency and look up knife laws to see if we are good to carry this with us.
Two Sources :
I am pretty sure this is a PUSH DAGGER
It says it is legal to own
And does NOT say it is ILLEGAL to Carry
Highly recommend we all have this on our belt loop. I carry mine around almost everywhere
What are you going to do with that
A knife is a tool to get to a gun