Message from @HipToTheJQ
Discord ID: 331548534912319491
Villains are only relative
Of coursh, but to them we are not.
Brb I'm going to go rockwell post in the shitposting channel
@MadDimension (((media buddies)))
@MadDimension can we chant "Saggy Tits" at Laura loomed if she shows up?
How is that loyal Knights of the Kkk in the FBI?
Chris Barker their imperial what the fuck ever has been accused multiple times of being a federal informant by other more reputable groups of the KKK
He's out in bond at the moment as well and won't be coming on the 8th
I see
Are they big to any extent
Jack Posobiec is such fat a lier. Nowhere does that NJ DOJ page mention IE or VA as a "Domestic Terrorist Organization"
No, that's why its odd that they would end up on the NJ page
@Charlemagne MD not from what we understand that that group
@MadDimension A prank was pulled recently that coinciendally left links to the VA website in NJ. That article has probably been sitting in the coffers for a while until the ADL gave word to publish it over said prank that may or may not have had anything to do with our group
It was a lone wolf not associated with our group
At least the goyim know, now. @HipToTheJQ
Some nigger I heard did it
I think it was probably the neo Nazi terrorist organization known as the Proud Boys
Thats what it was ahhh my bad
I thought it was a rabbi trying to take attention away from the Jew scandal
I think it's awesome that instead of just spray painting swastikas they might be doing fake stuff that is exactly the kind of things we should be doing.
You sure? Because I think they mentioned a name. It was like.. erreeka or something.
Stick to Dark Horse or other Indy comics. The Kikery doesnt thrive too well there.
The Hellboy series especially.
Microsoft NormieBait News network really pushing the Russia scare hard.
@everyone We need everyone with a website, podcast, or other platform to promote the event. Encourage people you know to use their platforms. The bigger we can make this the better.
@AltCelt(IL) and I have been giving shoutouts on our show
@MadDimension doing Sunday haha
@GoyMeetsWorld what's your show?
UnCukt Radio this is mine.... episode two will be up today sometime
That's "fascist website" to you kike @Charlemagne MD
OY VEY I'm just a humble merchant goy