Message from @John Mackenzie
Discord ID: 328748511799672842
I didn't see a hate bus, only goys in the store.
Ah. We went in to get more torches (and beer) and as we were onloading back into the bus, a few of our guys came up and shot the shit with us. Was very cool.
Was cool going around town and running into our people everywhere.
Man, I want that to be the norm. In every city and town.
Same. I want Man In The High Castle to be real.
Except less Japs
@TheFash move to a community where lots of alt-righters live. That's why I'm moving to PA.
I want to greet people walking down the sidewalk with a casual "heil"
@V I T A L I T Y one day lol
I'm dying to watch that.
@Erika I would, but the gators are my home. We will eventually have that in Florida some day soon.
@ @Erika No I got my hands full in Chitcongo tryna get 10 ppl to unplug their tablets
@everyone Richard singing Depeche Mode.
It doesn't allow replays
I'm watching it right now
Sacco sings at 16:30
Dépêche Mode is the best official altright band we could have hoped for.
@Erika oh god what's he sing?
listen to it lol
oh shit, @MadDimension at 4:00
I'm dying
Well glad they're having fun
Fun is a relative word.
Why. Was. I. Not. There.
That may have been the best thing I've seen. Ever.
Richard Spencer singing karaoke is better than I could have ever hoped. 😂
Hey guys, it's Colton.
Thanks for your work
Of course man
Shekel for a sign?
omfg I've seen that guy before
He's some kike from NYC. Goes to every pro Trump rally to be a hunchback Jew and make everyone look bad
Look at his legs Hahahah cantwell just starting
@MadDimension He's there to demonstrate that they are a different species.
I'd say it'd be in our interest to point out the distinction is no longer between the alt lite and alt right. It's between the brand names and the united new right.