Message from @JacksonSmith - PA/TX
Discord ID: 331977902650294273
Silly fevs. How have you been?
Pretty good. How about you?
Same. Just spreading my racism and hate one tweet and handshake at a time
Torchlit marches are part of our heritage.
Agreed Bunker
Is there a cleaner burning oil that can be used in the torches instead of the tiki crap?
That was awful last time
Did it agitate your (((sinuses)))?
Have you ever spent time in the middle of 150 torches all burning citronella crap?
I can't imagine it'll be better with the number tripled
Yes I was there. Didn't notice
It's a meme, everybody loves tikis!
Hey at least there wasn't a mosquito problem amirite
Would've preferred mosquitos tbqh
Cept for that large blonde one that got swatted amirite
Alt tiki fuel:
"A simple oil lamp fuel made from isopropyl alcohol and distilled water will burn in a tiki torch. Pure olive oil or coconut oil will burn clean in a tiki torch and do not require mixing."
Can someone add MaryProtestant#1436? She's my old lady.
@Roscoe really? You're a lucky man! It will be great to meet her in person next month!!!
Yeah, she's really excited. She just yelled at me because I never got her added here, lol. She wants to meet more grills in the movement.
Sooooo, if someone has authority, plz add her.
@MadDimension does
Hey @MaryProtestant
Eyyyy girl
Tfw CNN is doxxing and holding information for blackmail
It has been decreed...
CNN is the new HWNDU
Please handle that information with care
It's still july 4th where I'm at should I chug a 40 ounce
the answer is always yes
but get some cheap wine instead. shits white as fuck
gay as fuck*
not tryna waste my time with 3% piss water. wine is like what, 11%?
Steel Reserve is 8%
I have a steel reserve 40