Message from @Tyrone
Discord ID: 334122318341210114
Seriously, though, I think if you tell him to make nice with the Red Ice contingent and we will likely protect him.
I don't see why it would be an issue if he doesn't plan on making an ass of himself
@everyone it'd be really cool if we had some flute/piccolo or fife players. Not yet 100% if we're doing the drum thing again, but it would be need to march to Dixie on the way to lee
That'd be really cool
Worst case we use a kazoo
500 Autists with kazoos
Brown note achieved
Kazoo and tiki torch Nazis...I like it.
@DavyCrockett You were the drummer last time, right? Do you just not want to or something?
I thought the drum was great.
We should have had a couple of drummers along the entire column, though.
@Pax You can tell him to get in touch with me for any safety concerns or questions
@MadDimension great, will do
@пидорновичок Naw, I'm totally down. I just think it would be cool to have a fuller section leading the march. 2 drummes and some fifers... or better yet re-inactors
If you need another drummer I used to march
Who is doing live sound?
@DavyCrockett Didn't we have a first guy that backed out who was a reenactor?
@here who wants to scream?
yea right, who the fuck else cares about us than the alt right?
Who advcates for the interests of Whites besides us? 🤔
(((fellow white people)))?
Race mixers apparently.
And cucks.
They are the true altright.
In other news, pretty sure stickman is an agent of ZOG.
he could of taken advantage of the free press the right was giving him but no he got sppoked and cucked out. though i wonder how much this had to do with his wife? he probly thought its be easier to cut his losses rather than try and exlain away his relations
The guy has multiple felonies in California but somehow gets off scott free after assaulting people? 🤔
@wyatt why scream? Thats good
its not good.
we need to be constantly aware that our movement could be tea partied
if the new right starts adopting some of the core parts of our ideology but leaving essential supporting parts out. We are in trouble
many people dont know this but the tea party was started under george w bush as a attempt to reinvent the party. What happened was the koch brothers show up with millions and piled on a bunch of people to the movement and just turned it into republicanism with edge
and revolutioary war aesthetic
Its not good that other people recognize theres a problem with white genocide?
Personally i want everybody to know
I guess the point is that in rejecting the alt-right label that they'll create another iteration of the "new right" to siphon off some of the populist energy that we emanate
That's the concern at least. I'm not entirely sure if it's warranted, but it's something to consider
Is there an updated speakers' list out?
If they don't speak about the jew is it even worth it?