Message from @Dan iiii
Discord ID: 345722128399859712
so basically, don't be retarded, don't speak of personal or sensitive info because you never know who's listening
Just don't go
You guys
This server is compromised. Walking into an ambush is never a good idea
This is retarded
Really. Don't go.
Holy Fuck
This is the worst fucking idea. And you’re posting instructions on a compromised discord.
The strong will come
You are going to get hurt
If you’re smart, you won’t go to this torch rally.
What will break first? Your torches? Or your spine?
Be there to support the movement
Pride goeth before a fall
There's a difference between standing strong and being retarded.
@everyone we have the police explicit protections
If something happens tonight, they will have all the ammo they need to shut down tomorrow. Risking the main event tomorrow for a tiki torch procession is a terrible mistake.
They will be there protecting us the whole march
I've been to many things with "police protection" The bricks sail right over their heads would you believe it?
again this is not something id be putting out in open coms
Then stay home
@Quartermaster's Ghost yeah that's antis biggest ay
Odd that the security director knows nothing about police protection
It's about the movement not you
You're committed or not.
TWP will not be joining you
Last I was told the police had no details of the event
I am sure cops are going to crack down on whichever side is the dumbest the fastest
When the rubber hits the road we'll know who to count on
"Hey guys let's ignore the advice of all of our intelligence team, our security team, and our professional subject matter experts just so we can march with tiki torches
It's about all of us and safety. What will tomorrow be like if half of you are hurt or arrested.
No theyre not
So don't risk the big event for a torch march that has been announced on a compromised server.
The security director, who I am sitting next to, says last he knows there was no police presence for this torch procession.
Is there police protection or not?
@everyone We have police protection
And let's post about our specific plans, locations, and approaches in a discord that is known to be compromised."