Message from @MadDimension
Discord ID: 335897454757019660
he lives in VA anyways not very far
This is getting serious now...
@everyone Does anyone here want or plan to get a tattoo anytime soon?. Inb4 degenerate af. The biker who provided security at the recent press conference is getting nonstop harassed by anti-whites at his shop Mystic Tattoo.
I do
@MadDimension I don't do tatoos
Would he do a swazi???
@Stormer DC Prob so. One of his artists has an 88 tattoo evidently
🤔 🤔 🤔
Let's do it!!!
Ya I'm down to get one
@MadDimension tattoos at the after party?
I planned on it and I know a bunch of guys I'll be with want some
Honestly he could probably make a lot of money traveling to events giving tattoos
He'd need licensing
Idk the paperwork, just spitballing ideas fam
I'm gonna get the entire Bee Movie script inked on my back
We could do an Alt-Right tattoo party and he could make bank. Tattoo artists make a shitload more when not in a shop because they don;t have to rent the space nor do they have to give up a chunk of the price theuir paid to the shop. He'd prolly charge a lot less too.
I like these ideas
I literally manifest all thoughts into my life. How much would a chest sized tattoo be?
Quite a bit
And depending on how much is involved, could very likely take multiple sessions
One day when I'm swole enough I'll probably get a sonnenrad
That's what I want
Sonnenrad in a laurel
You're not supposed to get tattood having drank the day before right?
He said he would give a good discount to /our guys/ too
Before or after
Don't want thin blood famalam
If people are going to line up he needs to just come up with some quick fash-flash so we don't have some jackass getting a 6 hour session for a hitler portrait. He needs 14 pieces of flash art for us to choose from. $88 each. @MadDimension
Not a bad idea
Are we just planning on going to the shop and lining up? My boyfriend may want to do this.