Message from @One Year Of The Lost Tapes
Discord ID: 638161229533151263
They'd sell him to the gypsies
Well done @Swatziland, you just advanced to level 5!
Very based
@sopremOTIST he isn’t living in a basement
In the videos of him posted on yt
He was literally recording from a balcony
I wonder what were the reactions of the people outside
He lives in a commie block btw
I was memeing you stupid liberal
If you believe in Socialism put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in Capital if you deny it, it will deny you in front of Lenin in the gates of the socialist republic. This is the simplest test. If you love Socialism and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server
All Muslims look the same so it’s hard to tell
also tbf the most trustworthy source here is the Young Turks which is never a good sign
@Østén Mádéru what's the thing on the left for?
@OrthoNinten ~~My grandpa lol~~
Bro how'd you find me
So you fuck coal burners and then beat them?
The fucking them part is gay as fuck and you should be executed for race mixing, but beating them is based
Coal burners?
Does that mean race mixer?
Yes specifically white mixing with black @The Desert Fox V
@The Desert Fox V More specifically, a coal burner is any non-black woman who race mixes with a black man. A coal burner doesn't have to be white, she can be of any race besides black. The male equivalent (i.e. a non-black man who mixes with a black woman) is called an oil driller.