The State
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Tomatoes are tolerable but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat them
Ah yes, North Korea is based because they maintain their culture of ensuring their whole populations gets damned to hell with state atheism and churches for diplomats, and le epic brutalist architecture
Nothing says traditionalism and cultural preservation like massive disgusting concrete slobs
If brutalism is your tradition then you should through out your tradition
Well they were Austrian nationalists
Naturally they would oppose union with Germany
Jews dying of disease doesn't prove the Holocaust happened
Holocaust was supposed to be a deliberate extermination, which did not happen.
There have been no documents found of anyone in the German government ordering the extermination of any group, let alone jews.
Poll is extremely cringe
Imagine thinking it belongs to Ir*sh
If the Troubles start again I'm going to Northern Ireland to join the UVF
Okay well it isn't Irish, it is Ulster Irish which are ethnic Scots for the most part
Ulster Irish ARE NOT Irish, they're Scots mostly
Yeah from like the 1600s mate
>doesn't even know when Ulster Plantations began
This is the same logic that libtards use to say the American southwest belongs to Mexico or the entire US belongs to Indians just because 'they were there first"
So basically you're saying the only mistake of the English was not to exterminate the Irish?
Ever heard of Belfast? @Mankn II
Ulster Irish have been there for centuries
Longer than whites have been in the US in some cases
Irish are also a minority
Ulster Irish are a majority
There is a reason they remained a part of the UK in the first place
And it was because they were more strongly opposed to Irish independence than anyone else
A bit different considering that the Jews did not fight for the land themselves but had the UK, US, and UN do it for them in the first place.
Should Japan be given back to the Ainu from the Korean invaders who are most modern Japanese? Should Portugal be given back to the Celts from the Roman invaders? Should the southwestern US be given back to Mexico? Should the entirety of the Americas be given back to the Indians (at the very least those still around)? @Mankn II
Even then, Ireland was never unified before the English/British invasions, they were mostly fighting between themselves, some even allied with the English.
What strawmen?
>invaders that have been there for 400+ years
"The Plantation of Ulster (Irish: Plandรกil Uladh; Ulster-Scots: Plantin o Ulstรจr)[1] was the organised colonisation (plantation) of Ulster โ a province of Ireland โ by people from Great Britain during the reign of King James VI & I. Most of the colonists came from Scotland, the majority having a different culture to the natives. Small private plantations by wealthy landowners began in 1606,[2] while the official plantation began in 1609."
@Mankn II Also you do realize that the Great Potato Famine was in fact caused by Ireland's own reliance of potatoes and the potato crop got fucked not just in Ireland but all over Europe at the time?
The Irish could have diversified the crops they grew but they didn't
Their fault
No, it was caused by the nature of Irish farming techniques.
The English wanted to modernize Irish farming but they were stuck in the past
@Mankn II They sent aid to Ireland
They were shit because the free traders in Parliament wanted to use it as an opportunity to impose free trade policy on agricultural products, which the protectionists in power did not want, so they said the famine was not that bad to avoid having free trade policy imposed on Britain.
They also honestly did not even realize how bad it was until over a year into the famine because there was a lot of propaganda from both sides in the papers trying to justify free trade or protectionism.
>they removed the grain
This is a total meme which did not even happen. Why would they "remove the grain" and destroy Ireland's chances at modernizing their farming when they wanted Ireland to modernize its farming?
If the British intended to starve the Irish they could have done it with great ease
The Irish still exist because of the mercy of the English and the show their thanks by bombing British kids
Night Runner
Can you please kill yourself?
@Mankn II Because you know what makes sense? Starving your tenants who give you money.
@Mankn II Maybe the Irish shouldn't have only fucking farmed potatoes
Negro was the standard term to refer to blacks until like the 1970s
"Ireland was on the verge of starvation, her population rapidly increasing,"
Literally nigger tier shit
Lainus supports the Irish because they're his fellow negroid
>calls others niggers
@Mankn II I support the British because if we use the Irish's logic to justify why Ulster belongs to them, the US would have to surrender all its land
@Juan Filly Does America belong to the Indians then?
@Juan Filly Ulster Irish are a majority in Northern Ireland
@Mankn II So basically the English should have just exterminated the Irish
Also what about the reservations on which the Indians still live? What about countries like Peru where 65% of the population is Indian? Should they expel the whites?
>not savages
Read some accounts from literally anyone observing the Irish
Romans, Normans, Vikings, they all said the Irish were primitive and degenerate
Yes the Americans fabricated documents from the Romans, Vikings, and Normans calling them savages
@Mankn II They said the Irish were especially savage, were incestuous, were homosexuals, etc.
Especially primitive
Also Caesar praised the Gauls while fighting them
Tacitus literally wrote a book glorifying the Germans
Nothing positive was ever said about the Irish though
Romans were also pissed that Caesar was also treating them like shit
Romans have observers in Ireland
Just because they didn't conquer a place doesn't mean they never made notes about them
England has more culture than the Ir*sh
You realize without England Portugal would not exist?
It'd have been annexed by Spain
Seems pretty ungrateful to want to "sink" them
You literally would not exist without England
And are you seriously saying the British didn't do much in the Peninsular Campaign?
Yeah because Portuguese were being good allies
Well I don't know about the coup thing so maybe you're right but in what way did Portugal have a right to the "Pink Map"? British wanted to a Cape Town to Cairo railroad.
Portugal had nothing beyond claims to the land
No means to actually enforce it
It would be more like you actually have a PS4, I claim sovereignty over the TV, but then you actually buy it
Buying from a third party, not from you yourself in terms of the analogy
And again, they wanted a railroad that was only not built because the Germans got in the way, and the Germans were a lot more powerful than the Portuguese so they could actually enforce their own claims
I remember I saw an animated map showing the control that European powers had over African land (as opposed to just claims) over time and Portugal did not have effective control over any major part of Africa until the 1890s
After the Scramble for Africa
"While Stanley was exploring Congo on behalf of Leopold II of Belgium, the Franco-Italian marine officer Pierre de Brazza travelled into the western Congo basin and raised the French flag over the newly founded Brazzaville in 1881, thus occupying today's Republic of the Congo. Portugal, which also claimed the area due to old treaties with the native Kongo Empire, made a treaty with Britain on 26 February 1884 to block off the Congo Society's access to the Atlantic."
This is the closest thing I found that relates to what you described but even then it isn't as you portrayed it.
"but which the United Kingdom claimed on the basis of effective occupation."
Meaning the UK had de facto control anyway
From your own extract
"the United Kingdom claimed on the basis of effective occupation."
"claimed by Portugal on the basis of historical discovery and recent exploration"
The UK's claim is stronger
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