Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 330043157301428234
Burning the flag without comment is worrisome. Making a speech explaining the nuance of the act first would be useful.
*could be worrisome
I'm not worried personally
I think burning the flag is only useful if we can distinguish that it is a multiculturalism flag at this point
@MadDimension it's not about what you and all of us see. It's about how the rest of the world will perceive it. People will exclude whatever speech you make before burning the flag, and it'll just be "NAZIS WANT TO GENOCIDE FAGS". It's a retarded idea.
make a lampshade out of the flag <:pepe:321791202578006017>
And normies worth a damn will say "hell yes I'm sick of this fag shit. Looks like these people are trying to stop it."
Why not burn them all at the same time?
Would be a great photo
should cut the flag into pieces and keep the colors separated
@Erika have you read Mein Kampf? There's a chapter in it about propaganda, and Kessler has the right idea.
@Erika There will be so much going on at this event the media headline will not be about gays. The only PR issue we have to worry about is the avoiding the Nazi and Klan imagery. Other than that I'd say it's at least open for debate
If it's reported at all it will be as part of a general anti-multiculturalism vibe to the rally
Burning the Pride flag would strike right at the heart of the liberal safe space
@卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐 I've read Mein Kampf multiple times. No normies will be sympathetic to what we're trying to do if we're burning a pride flag. Normies have literally no clue of the connection between fag shit and Marxism. Most normies aren't event aware of Marxism.
@MadDimension the media headline will absolutely be about gays if you start burning pride flags. Ignore faggot shit. The headlines coming out of this event shouldn't have anything to do with us being against gays, and that's what a pride flag burning will turn it into.
@Erika a They're already going to say we're racist, KKK, Nazis. Do you really think 'homophobic' will trump all that other stuff?
Gay pride is shoved in normies faves constantly. We're not the only ones sick of it.
I'm really sick of that fucking flag. I can't go one day without seeing it
Why give them ammunition when it won't be a net benefit to us? There's no clear message to burning a pride flag other than "Nazis want to kill gays." I'm especially not okay with it after the progress myself and my Florida IE crew just made in Florida
The answer to this can be encapsulated by one question: do we want to appear more pro-white or anti-Marxist?
Both go hand in hand
They already think we want to kill blacks and jews lol
Not to normies, though.
@Erika Don't you agree that that flag is no longer about gay marriage? That it's become a symbol of Cultural Marxism, mass immigration and white genocide?
Normies already don't believe the sensationalist bullshit the media writes about us.
Normie conservatives hate all the pro-sodomite stuff forced down their throat, this will appeal to them, not scare them off
To us, yes. @MadDimension. To the society at large, no. It still means strictly gay shit to most people.
How did mostly everyone here get redpilled in the first place?
By doing your own research
I used to look down to what most of the NSM groups do, then you do your own digging. Theres only so much we can do to appeal to them. Its up to them to do the learning
Even most right wing christians believe in the "love everyone" bullshit. They probably won't understand the message we're trying to convey
My impression is that normies are sick of having that flag pushed on them everywhere. I don't think the Eternal Normie will go into convulsions about the flag being defiled. People are sick of that flag being treated like a God
Seriously. The gay issue is not important to me. What is important is seeing that flag turned into an international megacorp, globalist, zog propaganda tool
If you see that Pride flag hung up in your work place I guarantee you it means the employers discriminate against white men in the hiring process
The Eternal Normie also hates anything that can be construed as "judgmental" because it reflects their own degeneracy back on them. If we do it, we should be sure that we have the right optics around it because if we don't have the political capital for it, it will back fire.
People don't understand your mindset on this @MadDimension
We'll never be able to reappropriate that flag. No way I'm flying it personally