Message from @Ignis Faatus
Discord ID: 337698481885937684
Whatever gets the job done
Gavin McInnes is so scared of the alt right. If it wasn't for (((Ezra Levant))), he wouldn't be countersignalling so hard
(((Everyone))) Alt-lite wants to be edgy but no body wants to be a racist.
What a seriously disgusting bitch.
It's the old Cuck 22
@MadDimension done
So sick of this bs. Cuck pussies cant admit what they believe due to fear. Exactly why we need to reestablish freedom of speech and thought.
Making a song called wes bellamy is a dirty nigger
Agree @tscags88 the Stronger our networks get, the less of a penalty there is, the braver we make them. as a dad it becomes what will happen to your kids, not just what you yourself are willing to endure. What we are doing here is the right way, being on the tip of the spear is a dangerous business, but also good company 👌🏻
I'd buy a bullhorn just to play that @Ignis Faatus 😂
Just being alive must be hell for these people.
Oh you guys found another tranny for me to orbit. Sweet
@eldergrim my dude you found the server
I did fam. Still trying to navigate it, someone spent a good deal of time setting up this filing system, looks efficient. Glad we have some dedicated goys keeping this organized @Ignis Faatus 👌🏻
Holy shit that tranny responded to a bunch of inside jokes I sent it
I told it was going to put rats in my mouth and send tornadoes after it
Put the rats in your mouth and open the gates to hell @Ignis Faatus
Do it
Very well said
@Ignis Faatus should be elevated to hero status for that alone haha
Trannies are just mad at reality, the reality that they are unnatural and nature can't have that
And that deep down they know that they are abominations
>planning violence
It's just how I was born tbh
They were born the wrong gender and I was born to remove pedos and trannies and faggots
I can't control it
It's in my nature
Really they're the hate mongers
Trying to shame me for my nature
And, if you want to get down to brass tacks, no leftists have to come to OUR event
It's OUR event
If they don't come it's not like we'd plan violence against ourselves, they're the antagonists, we're just trying to demonstrate our values
It's sort of funny to see a bunch of sodomites and mentally ill folk respond to the tweet calling my schizo bait crazy
like nigga is this really crazier than shooting estrogen into your dick vein
You have been visited by the dank yankee of truth and legal justice. Fair legal representation will come to you. But only if you post thanks based yankee! In this thread.