Message from @gNightrow
Discord ID: 638072921960742912
like that dude in africa who has aids and literally deflowers each girl in his village because it's sanctified
@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl i am root
@MrDrk666 I was thinking more along the lines of Thanos.
Lmao i see that
So are you going?
You sure you aren't in kindergarten?
It's a university, what's the difference
I don't know
How you pay for it.
You know, this is a much better storyline then whatever that new starwars shit thats came out of disneys arse
GUARDSMAN - Warhammer 40k
This is probably the most cursed thing in a manga that I've ever seen
This is probably the second most cursed thing in a manga that I've seen
these are actual manga panels
@Engineered Eldritch Catgirl good channel, tbh
yeah ikr
Love the one about the one Imperial officer Anakin actually liked
and like a so better story and not one that had a happy ending