Discord ID: 177447251273056266
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+giveme consent
someone who deserved it
Gays are deserving of lead to the back of the head.
The only thing that should be well done ever is liver
fuck danes
sounds like they have a potato stuck in their throath
Suomi saatana
Implying Denmark *EXISTS*
Scandinavians in general
behind the sauna is too holy of a place for them
Swamps good
if someone comes in to your house thretening with a gun and you shoot them YOU will go to jail you violent thug
hemmetin ameriikkalaiset
Ruottista voi enรครค vaan nopsaa hakea nuuskaa Haaparannasta
on mutta kyllรค siellรคki sitรค hiekka kansaa roikkuu
repesin tuossa viime viikolla kun kuulin prismassa ruotsia ja puhuja olikin mamu
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck TALA INTE GรY SPRร K
jag kan inte tala gรคy
Get your gas from Sweden, Finland or Russia then if you happen to live near the border
Mosquitos aren't even that bad
Rather mรคkรคrรค
that ones a mรคkรคrรค
A small hellish creature more annoying than a mosquito
what is taxonomy
we don't know
It would be retarded if there were no differences in people groups that lived in extremely different environments for thousands of years.
But some people freak out if you point out that there are differences because they think people will start treating the "others" as literal subhumans
I have an identity and consider my self Finnish and not european
I doubt its not even an identity
If I'd do a DNA test I'd just get 90% Finnic and the 10% is either Scandinavian or a mix of Slavic and Scandinavian
Damn inbreeding pesants
Would you consider samoyeds and finnics as part of Russia?
or any ethnicity conquered by the russkies
Kokoa koko kokko kokoon.
Koko kokkoko?
koko kokko.
theres a converstion for you
You can still find them from stores
Ye I don't think us Finns are racist either, since a lot of us own black dogs.
@Uksio It was the same in Finland couple decades ago but now western influence has done its job
You sure you aren't in kindergarten?
I don't know
I'd like to see the american map
Isn't it weird how the big cities are the most green politically
are they allowed to charge you more for car insurance based on gender and such in Germany?
age, gender, etc
still happening in Finland
car insurance costs you more if you are a young man
in finland that is
@Krisemann nice
seems fair
you just have to remember where the cameras are at
and beware the civilian police
Do they lower the limits during winter in Norway?
In Finland they lower the speed limit by 20 outside of cities
some of these dont even have the camera in
max speed limit in Finland is 120
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