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2019-07-14 01:07:58 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

To define left and right you need to give them a definition that sound rational to the perspective of the people that follow the ideology (if it isn't rational to that perspective then they wont follow it) , left want wealth/social power redistribution right want freedom of choice of allocation of wealth/social power. of course both are flawed based on individuals perspective.

2019-07-14 01:31:59 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

thanks AOC for making republicans look good !

2019-07-25 22:39:11 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

My Sister was visiting me yesterday and found out that Boris Johnson is Prime Minister and said she hates him because "he is like Donald trump" and is afraid "Concentration Camps" will be in Britain Scots are looneys

2019-07-25 22:46:57 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

why does Nicola Sturgeon hate Boris ?

2019-07-25 22:50:20 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

I'm literally vibrating

2019-07-25 22:56:11 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Sargon what do you think of Jacob Rease Mogg? I would never of thought he was a Brexiter from his super posh accent.

2019-07-25 23:01:17 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  


2019-07-25 23:43:06 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Boris will start building concentration camps in britain like trump

the guy on the green is Burnie sanders

Cutting down trees for protest signs is bad for the environment #ClimateStrike

~gets arrested for ๐Ÿ‘Œ ~


childhood hero destroyed

why are there so many fking weebs in this server ?

I'm here for hate speech memes not anime ch&nks

I'm now for socialism, we should tax the hell out of these dumb companies for taking advantage of dumb npc customers

and redirect that money to start ups that actually care about inovation

I wish there was a huge campaign to combat predatory marketing

I wish that was a 90's cartoon intro ^


2019-10-18 17:22:44 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Nigel is right, Creating a new agreement with the EU is not the same as leaving the EU. Why are people stupid enough to say it is the same thing ??

most likely fake, I don't know, I don't follow him, my intent was not to tarnish him

2019-10-18 23:04:48 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Scotland and UK Tax Rates ^^

The only one that matters is GDP per Capita, which basically means average wealth per person. I don't care how wealthy my country at a hole is if I myself as an individual have a higher chance of being poor.

why are the people on the east grey haired ?

why do they have grey skin ?

people aren't born gay

Sorry for no higher res image

who is that ?

who are those goths ?

black Chinese

The only one that really matters at the end of the day is GDP per Capita, which basically means average wealth per person. I don't care how wealthy my country at a hole is if I myself as an individual have a higher chance of being poor.

@TheBrsrkr that is why I said "The only one that really matters at the end of the day is GDP per Capita, which basically means average wealth per person. I don't care how wealthy my country at a hole is if I myself as an individual have a higher chance of being poor."


@Spooky Melon I didn't make it

who is he ?

no, Edward Snowden

I'm not against tolerance of lgbt, I'm against promotion of lgbt in schools, and for those who say, "We are just teaching acceptance of children who have parents to be the same gender" you are lying Because at least one of them is a step parent which is not the same as a real biological parent. Sorry if I sound mean.

Sure just merge the two Leftist movents into one despite they have Nothing to do with each other?!?

I don't casually go on "Pink News" I was just curious if LGBT was included with extinction rebellion and my predictions where right.

I just peaked life

Sure someone is currently driving it, but in the future when artificial intelligence is advanced enough to control it by itself the amount of people working would reduce dramatically. The only people that will get payed in the future will be slaves to their government.

by the way this video is made in 2012 my guess is that we aren't far that future.

Inflation is a tax on savings. Taxes on rich harm the rich and don't benefit the poor, on average only the top 4% are net payers in the government

This is pretty much the joker film summed up.

I'm against having a one world government for that reason

There is a coralation between intelegence and wealth. And there is a coralation between wealth and geographic location. And there is a corilation between race and geographic location. But apparently there is no corilation between intelegence and race.

no, just no

2019-11-01 00:03:56 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Boris's new Deal with the EU is just a new deal with the EU it is not the same as leaving the EU. Vote the Brexit Party, if you want to leave the EU.

2019-11-01 00:04:58 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

why ?

2019-11-01 00:09:29 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Is it possible for Nigel and Boris to form a new party ?

2019-11-01 00:10:14 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

to get real brexit done

That moment when you smoke petrol and make a #1 Hit

19 Million Subs, wt living F

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