Message from @Lawrence - TX
Discord ID: 344897986804973569
He can come back around
Every race traitor knows what they can do
If they want to be accepted
They all know what it would require
But his child could cure cancer!
The question is are they MAN enough?
I don't care
He can take the bullet train to shitsville
He made mistakes too large to reasonably expect him to come back from. I don't give a fuck about his struggle either. I'm just speaking to the people who wonder if he's "redpilled." Because it doesn't matter. He'll never come back from not only race mixing but procreating.
Every race traitor knows what they would have to do to be accepted, I'm done wasting time on him
This is a boring conversation
No they aren't man enough. They just want attention and throw temper tantrums to get it. People like chopstick man are basically just thots with cocks.
Corvus is right.
There's nothing we can do about their poor choices right now. If we can get them to say and do the right things now, that's what counts. Coopt every platform.
It would suck to have mixed kids then take the redpill
Well goyim I'm on my way to the summer of hate festival
^ It begins
WEll damn.
>we held a KKK rally we are not anti white
Leslie Mehta? Coal burner?
Claire Gastanza?
>we accepted this much smaller rally filled with FBI employees
Wtf..... I love the ACLU now!
wtf I love civil rights now
@wyatt can't read that too blurry what does it say
So playing for time lol
What the Hell
This is great
basically the city sent a letter that basically read "buh buh buh we gave the KKK a rally we are not doing this because of his views!"
It's Jewish trickery at its best.
But did they reinstate the permit?
This is them trying to buy another day.
Making it so there is no time for our suit to be heard before the rally.