Message from @Froststep
Discord ID: 600636031447990273
Sumo was samurai art
dig it
**literally with your nose**
technically peasants still had walking sticks and farm implements
HEMA isn't pretty.
Viking fights mostly involve two guys hopping around each other, trying to get around a big ass wooden shield so they can poke him with a sharp knife and hopefully kill the other guy.
Knight combat manuals mostly involve grappling and then jamming a sharp blade into the eyes, armpits, and groin.
Yes, but that why it was about singular strikes, and not like boxing
If you have to fight unarmed against someone without weapons, your first attack must succeed or you die
European armor was far superior to Asian armor, so combat was almost always drawn out. It was mostly about getting the other guy on the ground so you can end him with a dagger. Ideally in the eyes, armpits, or groin, because those are the parts that wouldn't be covered by plate armor.
what do you fuccbois think of this gay canadian's assessment of the
samurai vs knight vs viking debate
Weapon arts are usually completely different to unarmed stuff
tldr is he says viking wins
Samurai swords wouldn't do shit against European armor. Their spears might have a chance, though.
ooogedy boogedy i huntedded a chicnen adn nad egg
Knights should win
Comparatively, Vikings fight naked
Taekwon-Do follows many karate principles, except it focuses more on kicks
Note, I am not talking about the Olympic type. That is silly
Sure, they have some chain mail, but so do knights
Europe pretty much abandoned swords for mainstay combat, anyways, because swords are shit against plate armor. They only remained popular as a status symbol (expensive to make) and because they're convenient to carry (mount the scabbard onto your belt).
In the 1400s, most knight combat is two heavily armored people going after each other with big ass war picks.
Did vikings use gambesons?
TKD is shit.
lads lads lads
||ninja vs pirate||
Olympic is, I agree
t h i c c woolen tunics
Original ITF isn't
Froststep smells like talcum powder
dont know
Pirates had firearms
@Ayylmao Ninja can't be see but pirate will just rise again due to his cursed soul
are we talking trad ninja
but they were pretty slow and inaccurate
or ninja with gun
or handcannon
fucking gook can yeet if you give em gunpowder
Handcannon that shoots tiny ninjas, BUT the pirate has several parrots
It's ironic when you consider that Europe could've conquered half the world in the 1300s, without guns, if only they had better ships. Japanese swords would have been useless against European plate armor. Amerindians didn't even have metal, so it'd basically amount to a knight swinging a claymore and cleaving people in two, going through a wooden shield in the process.
Handcannon that shoots myself
Handcannon that shoots itself
Handcannon that shoots hands